Bollox, My Bud Box Is Too Big!


Active Member
Has anyone had to cut down the frame on their grow tent!
Mine arrived today but it's about 50mm too tall.:cry:
I'm trying to make more space by lowering the floor underneath it and notching the roof beams above it to see if I can make enough room but I think I might need to cut down the frame uprights.
Just wondered wether anyone else had made the fuck up and how they fixed it?


Well-Known Member
sit your plants on buckets or something,its never to big.the more room the more buds,and dont worry it will fill inn.I wouldnt cut my fram.theres no way to put it back together.


Active Member
It's not the amount of room on the inside that I'm worried about, It's too big to fit in my loft:mrgreen:
I've decided to call it a day for now, I'll continue the fight tommorow.

I rekon if I lower the floor a bit, notch the roof beams and bow the top
part of the frame slightly I might just squeeze it in.
If not I've decided I'd rather cut the floor beams and re-strengthen them than cut the tent frame:blsmoke:
One way or another, It's going to fit. I'll put some pics up when it's done.


Well-Known Member
just use a hacksaw to cut the bottom of the end pieces off. measure twice and cut once. the weight of the structure should keep it together even without the locking bits, as long as you don't plan on moving it around a bunch.