Bob saget


Well-Known Member
has anyone ever seen bob saget in stand up? holly shit dude he went from that nice little show full house to dropping more f bombs in one sentence then i thought was possible. i mean his jokes are so bad but i cant stop watching this



Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure its all for shock value. Its funny at first, because you're like "OMFG! What is this guy doing!?"

But, after a just starts to sound like a kid who is trying to be cool by swearing too much.


Well-Known Member
i couldnt stop watching and all it was was full house joke bout him fucking them or someone being gay or jokes about americas funniest home videos. i feel dumber for watching now thanks hbo



Well-Known Member
I watched it all too, haha. Don't feel bad :mrgreen:

The only part I remember in particular was when he was talking about people sending porn into funniest home videos.


Well-Known Member
yeah that was fucked up he kept on talking about the couple that broke the shower door and was fucking on the broken glass *sigh*
