Bluelab ph pen users plz help me


Active Member
What do u do w the solutions to store them like what do u keep them in? and reuse them? 4.0,7.0 and 27.7 storage solution. Once you use em, they say they all only last like 3 months so how much do u budget these? Small packs, 250ml or 500 ml bottles? I only will have 5 plants at a time so I probably dont need much right? and how do u store em? In their YouTube vid they show some lil jars without lids but can u put these in a small mason jar then put a lid on em and label em to reuse them in the jars?
That’s why I don’t. Might be a completely irrational fear, but I’m afraid to pour it back in and it’s such a small amount anyway. I like the film case tip though
Apera CalBox, holds all the fluids in separate containers.
I'll use it a couple times and dump it.

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You shouldnt really reuse calibration solution if you care about accurate calibration.

For the most accurate calibration, you should actually be pre-rinsing your container with your calibration solution, then dump it out and pour in fresh calibration solution. This way you are removing any contaminates that could affect the ph of your calibration solution. Even when you rinse your probe prior to calibrating, it should be done with the calibration solution you are about to use and not water.
What should the ph of blue lab storage solution be? 5.0? I believe that’s what my pen reads when I turn it on while sitting in the storage solution with cap on. Is this correct?