BlueCheese/Twilight/Whiteberry/Northern Soul grow by K1Ng5p4d3 ;)


Junior Creatologist
Wuddup boys and girls,

Its Me - K1Ng5p4d3 - N im back with another journal for that ass.

My last grow is still ongoing, and i have about 3 weeks maybe 4 left of flowering. One female is gettin chopped today because shes a bitch n was gonna die on me. My other female is doin good, coming along beautifully.

.... But enough about her, lets talk about this.

This is my new grow journal, for my new setup, my new grow, n this will be an account of my 1st "Serious" grow. Ill break down my setup really quick.

2x4x5 Grow Tent, similar to a Darkroom

600watt Digital greenhouse ballast, with both HPS n MH conversion bulbs

19" 6" Cooltube

6" ducting

4" ducting

1 Vortex lookalike fan (i think 540cfm, could be 450cfm, lol) - 6"

2 80 cfm fans for intake

Growbright Jr. Carbon Filter

Growbags (3gal)

Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil

Fox Farm Grow big, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom
Roots Organics Hp formula Bat guano
- might be replacing FF line with Humboldt County's own Nutrient line, just grow, bloom, and i cant remember the name of the finishing nute.

But most importantly - The Beans.

Ill be using 4 different strains this time around, for a total of a 7 plant grow. The reason im only doing 7 and not 10, is because i am trying to leave a little bit of room, because i think i wanna throw a screen into the mix, and maybe do a ScrOG grow with these, and get a bigger yield (hopefully). So im growing with:

3 BlueCheese
2Twilight purple
1Northern Soul

- I did the variety, because i was going to originally do just BC and TL, but my twilights were not germing at all, and eventually i got two of them to germ thank fuck. So i replaced the others i was gonna grow, with 1 of each of the strains i wanted to try AFTER this grow was done, but fuck it, best laid plans of mice n men get laid to waste, or however that goes, lol.

So, ill hook up some pics a little later on, and give you guys a look at how far along theyve come in just a couple days time. Theyre really lookin nice and healthy, and its just relieving i even got them into soil from germ in the 1st place to be honest ;) .


Junior Creatologist
So ill break down how the last couple days went, n post up some pics as i go, but i dont have anything chronological, cuz its only been somethin like a week since i put the first bean into germ.

So two weeks ago, i got in my BC seeds from Attitude. Big Bhudda Blue Cheese seeds, and a couple of other strains. The breeders pack was a little fucked up and crushed, and some of the clear outer coating of one of the seeds had cracked off - and me knowing complete dick about seeds, i thought that this was real bad, lol. So i waited as long as i could, because i was still waiting for my light to get here in the mail, but after a week of waiting i planted just the one damaged seed, cuz i wanted to see if it was pointless toeven plant or not. So i planted her, and kept her under a 100 w daylight bulb (100 w equivalent). So it sprouted, and i didnt know what to do, so i just had this seedling sitting on my desk for three days, without a growroom to put her in because i didnt have my tent setup, and my light wasnt here.

I was gonna wait to set up the tent anyways. So the light finally got here, 2 days after the plant sprouted, and i threw up the tent in like 20 mins - pretty easy to setup - and got my ballast out, screwed it to the wall, busted out my cooltube, and fuckin tried to plug it in. The son of a bitch had a different type of plug prongs than the ballast did. WDF?? i didnt know that HTG was based out of japan, lol. So i had to bust out the original reflector that came with my lighting setup, and i cut the wire in half that was attached to the Mogul. Then i cut the wire in half attached to the mogul in my Cooltube. Stripped the wiring, electrical tape, n boom - instant socket that fuckin works, lol.

So the light is set up finally, plant is sittin pretty under my lighting, well vented, and i germ my other Blue Cheese seeds and Twilight seeds on the 16th. They took about a day for the seeds to pop, except for the twilight seeds, i only bought a 5 pack of them fuckers, and 3 of them died. One didnt pop, and two died as soon as the taproot sprouted. So i was left with only 2 viable seeds. So i germed them, n threw them in thier starter pots, with the rest of them. I had to wait until yesterday to germ my Whiteberry and Northern soul, as id just recently ordered those. So i germed them n my Whiteberry germed in 1 HOUR!! i couldnt fuckin believe that shit man, i aint never seen nothing like that before. the northern is still germing now.

Pics in next post.


Junior Creatologist
so it took me a minute to get the pics uploaded, but here they are :D

So, basically this is my tent's ventilation setup. It starts at the growbright jr carbon filter. Since its bigger than i thought it would be, i had to seperate things a little bit so everything would fit into the tent without over bending anything. The ducting makes everything run smooth, all the way to the exhaust.

Its run basically llike this - Filter - ducting running to the other side of tent -Vortex lookalike - more ducting running to light - 600w MH in cooltube - more ducting feeding to outside of tent, and outside of closet. the airflow is great, i can touch the cooltube directly under the bulb, and keep my hand there, thats how well cooled it is. allows me to put the light about 4 inches away from the seedling tops. thats the closest im gonna get without gettin a little nervous, lol.

im not using the waterfarm right now, i just have it in there for space reasons right now.

filter setup running all the way through exhaust:

these are my plants sittin nicely in their pots. i took this yesterday, so the bunch is missing 1 twilight, the whiteberry, and the northern soul. Ignore the flowering plants, their from my other journal, and i know the one is lookin fuckin awful, lol. shes dyin on me cuz i fucked up bad, and im choppin her either today or tomorrow if measures i took dont take and make her a little better.

This is Bluecheese 1. the first seed i planted. Shes doin nicely, now growing her 3rd set of true leaves. nice and green and healthy man, what more can you ask for?! :D

this is Bluecheese 2 + 3. They both went into soil on the same day, and are both doin equally awesome. nice n healthy once again:

N this is my runt twilight. When she sprouted, she still had the shell on her top, so i had to gently remove it, just like i did with Bluecheese #1 (oh, by the way, i had to remove the shell from Bluecheese #1's top when she sprouted - was like an inch long stem with a seed for a head, lol - thats why the milk leaves are discolored) , only her milk leaves werent damaged. shes small, but her stem is thick, and shes lookin really healthy.

- So theres my first update on my new journal. Ill do another one in a couple days, and ill try to do them twice a week from here on out, so that way you guys dont look at the same pics over and over again. Im also keeping a meticulous written grow journal for my own purposes, so i can keep track of what im feeding them, how much, and any type of changes that are happening to each individual plant.

last grow i fucked everything up too much, and i ended up burning the plants lke 3 times, had to transplant into new soil 3 times, and just really fudged the op alltogether. My last hope at success is my one flowering girl, Corky, which is thriving, and actually looking rEALLY healthy. i cant wait to see her in full bloom man, its a beautful thing, lol. if i can get just one plant to harvest from my 1st grow, ill consider it a success. Im goin for 7 out of 7 on this one though, now that i know what im doin with this stuff, more or less, lol.

So, thanks for tuning in, and same as last journal, any and all advice and help from anyone is welcomed and much appreciated everyone. You guys are great, and if it wasnt for all of youz, i wouldnt be here trying this a 2nd time. i woulda given up when i got my 1st case of nute burn, lol.



Well-Known Member
woooohoooo, I'm the first person to hop on the thread!!!! Thumbs up man, off to a god start. Lol I'm along for the ride!


Well-Known Member
looking good, i just ordered white berry and blue cheese from attitude, should be here next week, hopefully they will be as healthy as those


Junior Creatologist
good lookin out fellaz. My northern n whiteberry have just broke surface, n ill hook some pics up once they beef up a little bit. My Bluecheezie #1 is fuckin wierd dude. Its only 3 inches tall, doesnt have ANY space in between forming leaf set at all, but its forming its 4th leaf set right now, lol. looks like one tiny bunched up clusterfuck. I knew that the space betweennodes was gonna be limited cuz thats just the breeding of the strain, but DAYUM, lol. I aint complainin though, thats gonna make for some nice thick compact buds, n thats just somethin we can all enjoy :)

As for the Corkmeister, shes recovering from her Mg deficiency. I hit her up with some Epsom salt, n she stopped her bronzing and i saved her ass from "The dreaded CLAW", lol. Its a great feeling knowing that i had a problem and worked my way through it, especially with my last experience with a plant problem resulting in the harvesting of a quarter oz about 4 weeks too early. I think ill actually make it to the REAL harvest time with my last surviving bagseed plant, lol.

So yeh, like i said, pics to follow in a day or two, and stay tuned cuz this one is gonna be a fun one. I gotta grow some fuckin stupid radishes and lettuce in this grow too, so dont laugh if you see some veggies goin on in the backround when i take pics of my grow inside the tent. Im growin some dumbass stupid fuckin radishes organically for my mom, cuz she wants to know how good theyll turn out - n if she likes them shes gonna get me to teach her how to grow, which should be an adventure cuz shes more fuckin ADD than i am, lol.

Stay tuned guys n galz, thisll be a fun one



Well-Known Member
Sounds like it should be a blast. My gf tried to get me to grow her some tomatoes with my last grow. Hehe I didn't, but I guess your mom is a little different. Does she know what you actually grow? If so that pretty cool.

Another reason your plant is staying small and getting bushy is from the good lights.

Peace King have a good night!


Junior Creatologist
dude, my parents went to woodstock. Theyre one of the ones who put the idea into my head like 5 years ago. Hell, my weed hookups knew my parents before they knew me for christs sake. Kinda wish i was livin back home with them, then id be able to use their freakin basement instead of a measaly ass closet. But im a married man, n i aint movin back in with the olds dude. it aint happenin. Gettin MY OWN house in feb-march, so all is good :D


Junior Creatologist
n i know, i gotta fuckin fix the hyperlink in my sig god damnit. fucked with that stupid ass shit for god damn ever the other day to get it fuckin right. ARGH!! lmao, have you ever in your life ever heard somebody actually say ARGH out loud before?? kinda makes you wonder why the fuck its a word, lol.


Well-Known Member
Gyosy thats great. I saw the cut versions of those buds you posted on another thread, but I hadn't checked out your page to be honest. Thats really sweet, what did you do just put the cuttings right into 12/12?


Junior Creatologist
Ok, so checkit

Today i decided to try out hydroponics. I set up my 3 gallon bucket with snap on lid with a 12" air stone n air pump, n threw my one blue cheese in there that was yellowing a couple days ago and hasnt really recovered yet. So i filled up the container, made sure it was ph'd, and i added a little bit of grow big. I dont have a ppm meter, so i just added 1/4 the recommended amount since the seedling is only about two weeks old almost. I did it Gypsy's way, with no basket, just a hole in the lid, and a rubber collar, since i didnt have any neoprene handy, and i did this shit on a whim just to see if the transplant would take.

So one of my BC's is in a dro setup now, and if it takes then next week ill be hookin up the other 6 plants(well, 5, cuz im probably gonna keep on in soil as a mother in my top grow box, n just veg the shit out of her forever, lol.

so ill post some pics tomorrow of the setup, and if im forgetting anything im sure you fuckers will lemme know, lol. Man i hope im not though, i was pretty sure i had everything covered except for the ppm meter, but you dont absolutely NEEEEEED that to get started in hydro, do you??


Junior Creatologist
i got pics of it in my other journal - link in sig. ill post some in this journal too, i just wanted to get the pics to those askin for them before i updated this one. ill probably do it in an hour or two, but the pics r just one click away right now anyways, lol.

never realized that it would be that simple man. The soil transplant went smoothly, got almost all of the soil out of the roots before i put her into the bubbler, and the bubbles did the rest. not too shabby at all man. gonna have them all in a bubblebath by the end of next week for sure, i just gotta wait for my runts to catch up with the rest of them, and have a developed enough root system to survive a medium transplant like this one. My TL#2 n Whiteberry n Northern Soul are really snailing along right now. Granted, theyre a few days behind the rest of the pack, but only a few though. they should be much farther along by now, n they only look like theyve just popped above soil. kinda pissin me off....


Junior Creatologist
ok, so heres another update on how shits goin with everything, and yeh, ill be postin pics at the bottom of the post to let you guys checkkit.

So, yes and no, i have figured out a way i think to stop the yellowing, but no, i dont think i figured it out in time for at least one of the plants, and can only hope she recovers from the mods that ive made over the last 24 hours.

Ok, first well start with an update for this threads Matriarch, Corky.

Shes doin just fine, buds are gettin nice n swollen up, n although i didnt take any closeups, you can still see her chillin in the cut lookin purdy. She may look a little sexier though cuz i shaved her legs, lol - thats right - i lollipopped her. All the growth underneath the main tops were underdeveloped, yellowing, and havent made any progress since the first week of flowering. So last night i cut off everything and anything that wasnt contributing to the fatness of the main colas, and when i woke up this mornin, the buds were almost doubled in size and density. Im extremely satisfied with my descision on that one.

Now, for everyone else. Well tackle these one by one.

BlueCheese #1 - the oldest. I put her in dro 3 days ago, transplanting from soil, and its workin out, although there isnt much growth goin on up top, so much as there is in the rez - new roots are formin all over the place, so as long as im seein that, im cool with whats happenin up top. Once all the roots adapt and get themselves situated, im positive ill be rewarded with a nice growth spurt. So no complaints there. She was the first one to start yellowing, and she hasnt gotten any worse at all since i switched her to hydro. its almost like i froze the yellowing in time, n hopefully once the roots develop a little more, maybe i can wind the clock back a little bit in that respect.

BlueCheese#2 - the next to largest plant. I woke up this morning, and saw great progress with everything that was going on, except for this plant and one other. BC2 is yellowing, moreso than #1, and she just looks sickly, and as if shes gonna be completely yellow before the end of the day. But i did take preventative measures. I switched BC2 out to hydro today aswell. Hopefully the change of grow media will encourage healthy new growth, because with dro, i control the ph, i can monitor everything, and make adjustments accordingly, rather than sitting, feeding something into the soil, and waiting a couple days for a result, hydroponics are a little more immediate as far as results go. I could fix somethin tonight, and wake up in the morning, and shit can be 100 times better.

Bluecheese #3. Shes just a fuckin beast. Shes startin to have all kindsa new growth, not yellowing, and just all in all lookin like one bad ass bottom bitch to me. she gets me hard, n when u rub her leaves she gives off a sweet stanky pot smell that i cant wait to have in my tent all the time.

Twilight #1. Twilight #1 is a little wierd IMHO. Shes growin, dont get me wrong, and shes developing nicely - only shes yellowing a tiny bit on her bottom two leaves as well. Shes gonna be the next one to go into the drink. The cool thing about her though is, Shes got purple ass stems. like, seriously purple stems man. I think i might have gotten lucky and drawn a DEEP purple phenotype in this seed. Theyre supposed to all be purple, but the dude i talked to on the phone said it varies from ALL purple to just a couple purple pistils on the nugs. I think i scored with a nice purp female. Lets hope she dont go south man, cuz i would really love to grow her ass out.

Twilight #2. Shes doin fine too man. Shes still just a lil bitch, but shes forming her first set of pronged leaves as we speak, and any day now shes gonna blow up like the rest of the big girls. Also a light light purple stem, but i wont speculate on anything like that until she gets older.

Whiteberry. Whiteberry is doin good. She stretched a little bit from a couple days when i had my HPS light in there, and had to keep it kinda far away from her, so shes a little long in the leg, but her head is awesome, and startin to form nicely. I think shes gonna have purple hues to her too man. would love to have a blueberry dominant white widow plant man. :D

Northern Soul. Shes doin great man. Movin right along in leaf production, and working on her second set of pronged leaves, and only two or three days away from lookin like all my blue cheeses. Cant wait to see how she develops.

So theres the summary of how everything is goin in a nutshell. I took a pic of each of the plants so you can get an idea of what im talkin about, but i didnt do closeups cuz i hurt my knee playin with my kid earlier and cant get down n close up with them to take real real good pics. Just had to use zoom, lol.


a shot of the contents of the tent. The waterfarm in the corner has lettuceand radishes in it. Dont laugh man, its for my mamma ;)

probably gonna toss the bucket up top so i can have the space in the tent. Now i cant decide which size bucket to go with, the left or the right. The right side one is the same involume, but its a little longer, allowing me to arrange shit a little differently in there to maximize space.

Anyways, heres BC#1






Northern Soul

--N there we go. Everything is lookin so-so at the moment, half pretty fuckin good, n half could be better, but my ass dont quit, n i aint gonna stop tryin to fix my shit until the fuckin bitches are wilted n screamin for me to put them out of their misery.

O, n yeah, i think i figured out what the fuck is wrong with my plants. Its not the plants at all, its the fuckin TENT. the manufacturing company in hong kong that makes hydrohuts and like 4 other knock off brands of tents, ran off like a thousand faulty tents this year and the end of last year, spraying the vinyl with some type of FDA approved spray adhesive to hold the vinyl together, and to save money or some shit like that. The spray ended up being toxic to plants, once the heat from a growlight comes into play, and the tent gets to a certain temp, it heats up the vinyl, and activates the spray on the tent, causing some kind of "Off-Gassing" effect to occur, causing plants to yellow over time, and eventually die. Im taking preventative measures right now by keeping my tent completely open, along with my closet doors too, and since i cant vent out of my window because it would make things blatently obvious what im doin in my complex, im just venting into the room im growin in, and then opening the door every couple hours and letting shit air out. since i started doin that last night, it stopped the yellowing from getting worse, and i think that ive handled the problem. If it is in fact the tent thats doin this shit, im gonna slice the fuckin thing off of the frame, n bust out some panda film, n make myself a damn new tent with the frame i got and rock out with my cock out. Lets fuckin hope ive pinpointed the problem, and can continue the grow without any further bullshit.

-Im posting this in the other journal too, so if you go over there n see this post, its the eXACT same one, so you dont gotta read it all over again, lol.

thanks for readin guys n gals,



Well-Known Member
They look alright. A little bit of yellowing. Looks like the symptoms mine are showing. I'm thinking that my problem is that I haven't fed em yet. You could be right though. Your tent could be a problem. After all, it was recalled. Anyway, you're doing pretty good otherwise... and I am now subscribed.