Blueberry, White Rhino and Great White Shark.....Oh My


Well-Known Member
To recap...

3 - Dutch Passion Blueberry
2 - White Rhino
2 - Great White Shark X White Widow

Lights lowered 12 inches above dome. Tomorrow I will move to bigger rockwool cubes. Then set up my reservoir and pump.
Always wanted to grow blueberry,and white rhino. Breeder? Subbed and good luck.


Well-Known Member
UPDATE 1-2-16

Posted some pics of whats going on. I had some sprouts but still no GWS. :(

Transplanted into bigger cubes and removed heating mat. I think the temp from the lights will keep the sprouts warm enough.

I didn't remove the dome yet because I am afraid of low humidity in the room. Perhaps I will tomorrow.

Any comments? Feel free to post :)

Last checked the temp was 75 & humidity was 75%



Well-Known Member
UPDATE 1-5-16

213 ppm
5.8 ph
67 res temp

Have my 2 GPH emitters running every 4 hours for 15 minutes. I don't know if this is too much water or not. I guess I will find out. I did my best to research but so much conflicting info.

I have my 4ft 4 bulb T5 HO lights about 8 inches away.

I have a 1/4 strength solution of GH nutes.

I also added Cal-Mag because I am using RO water.

Lastly I added Liquid mycorrhizal "Orca" (just like "great white" but the liquid form) to the reservoir too.

My ppm is only 213 and my RO water is 19. So this is a very mild solution.

Added some pics. Feel free to add comments or + advice.




Well-Known Member
1/4 strength seems high to me but i have no idea what the set up entails. I checked out that white rhino and it looks like a chunky monkey.


Well-Known Member
UPDATE 1-6-16

So I figured out each plant was getting .5 gallons of water every 4 hours ........ X 6 times a day = 3 gallons within a 24 hour period.

That seemed like a lot. So I adjusted the timer to 2.5 minutes instead of the 15 it was on.

So now each plant is getting .08 gallons every 4 hours which comes to about 1/2 gallon a day. (if my math is right). (my head hurts now from all the math)

I just checked the kids and they seemed really saturated. Hopefully the new time change will even things out. I turned off the timer completely for a day to help dry them out. So now I'm hoping they don't get too dry.

p.s......The White Rhino is looking really rough. I figured the purple stems has to do with over-watering because the blueberry had the same thing happen. So its not the genetics. The other white rhino that looks like a carrot sticking out the rockwool is because the sprout got all messed up and I had to re-plant that sucker in a new cube. I don't know if any of the WR are gonna make it.


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Well-Known Member
All i was sayin was i dont do drip systems at all. Anything automated scares the bajezzus outta me so i dont know what your feed schedule and ppms should look like. Hey, you know your system better than i do watching. ;)
I gotcha lol. It's hard to tell what people mean on here. I gotta read and interpret the best I can.

Yeah, the veg side is drip but when its time to flower it will be ebb and flow. (Like the popular Mr. Green Video "I Grow Chronic" ). You can click the YouTube link HERE, Then it might make sense on what I am trying to accomplish. Go to 43min and 20 seconds

Feed schedule is up in the air. This is my first run at hydro. I'm learning as I go. I studied for like a month before even attempting this. I am continually learning too, which shows how much there is to this stuff. It's crazy.

I appreciate any and all feedback :)
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Well-Known Member
I gotcha lol. It's hard to tell what people mean on here. I gotta read and interpret the best I can.

Yeah, the veg side is drip but when its time to flower it will be ebb and flow. (Like the popular Mr. Green Video "I Grow Chronic" ). You can click the YouTube link HERE, Then it might make sense on what I am trying to accomplish. Go to 43min and 20 seconds

Feed schedule is up in the air. This is my first run at hydro. I'm learning as I go. I studied for like a month before even attempting this. I am continually learning too, which shows how much there is to this stuff. It's crazy.

I appreciate any and all feedback :)
Just along for the ride man. Maybe ill learn a thing or two. I think i may accidentally have already. :):):)


Well-Known Member
Nice start ! I also start my beans in the cubes and then move them the 4x4x4 blocks. I would also agree that your PPM is too high. When they are in the smaller block I only soak them in distilled water. No PH adjustment, anything. Once I transfer them to the 4x4x4 I do add DG FP at 1/8th tsp / gallon.

Good luck !


Well-Known Member
UPDATE 1-8-16

Well its the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY.

Where to begin. So, I completely shut off the dripper system for now because these freaking rockwool cubes hold so much water. I let them sit a couple days with no feed/water at all. I also think some of my seedlings got nute burn because I started feeding a"really mild" solution too soon. The BB seems to be hanging on but the WR is knocking on deaths door. So what I did just today, was top feed some bottled water which has a ppm of 3 to flush out any nutes that are probably in the cube. I then lowered the lights to about 3 inches on top of them. I'm hoping for a comeback with the WR but just in case I'm germinating the last 2 of my WW X GWS.

Still waiting for my original White Widow x Great White Shark to make an appearance. They are still in the tent but no sprouts. I don't know if they are gonna pop up either. So the Blueberry is pretty much my only hope at the moment.


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Active Member
I never feed my seedlings any nutes until they are about 4 weeks. Also there is so much water being pushed on these seedlings they are drowning. I usually just mist my seedlings once or twice a day and water very lightly only as needed until they develop a good root system where the ends of the roots can soak up what they need.

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Well-Known Member
Sorry for your luck with the WR. All we can do is hope for a comeback. If not toss em, at least youve learned something.
Aside from that those two BB look great! :D


Well-Known Member
UPDATE 1-14-16

2 Weeks since they sprouted.

I think things are looking alright but I can't be sure. I'm trying to raise the humidity levels in the room now. Currently at 52%. Was at 47%.

I also don't know if they should be taller or not for there age. Top feeding still. Watering once a day. I was using just RO water but have just recently switched to a 1/4 solution.

Lastly, I am holding on to the last of my WR sprout lol. It looks like it is trying to make a comeback. Since I don't have any more WR seeds, I'm gonna just let it play out for now.

Comment? Suggestions? Let me know!



Well-Known Member
UPDATE 1-19-16

Well I just got it with no lube! Ouch

I tried drying out my cubes because my kids looked like they were getting the beginning stages of root rot. Guess what? I dried them out too much and they ended up wilting. SHIT. Is it over for my kids? Are they going to hermaphrodite?????


p.s. These pics are AFTER they were watered and bounced back a little. I would of taken pics before hand but I needed to act quick. WILL THESE HERMIE?


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Well-Known Member
You can put a disco light in your veg room, go from near freezing to 105, and butcher the plant ten times, and it wont herm. The only time you have to worry about herms are in flower. And usually then its genetic anyway, or light leaks. You can be really rough with veg, no worries.