Blue Widow Grow, soil,400w MH,FIRST SCROG w/pics


Well-Known Member
So i ordered my first seeds from the tude and decided to start a journal with the freebie BLUE WIDOW .... before i start my afghan kush from WOS i wanted to try my first scrog grow with the free one just incase i run into prob. my first two grows were in hydro . i am switching to soil (black Gold) . :idea:because i thought it would be easier than having to cange water under a screeen every week . Also due to how i hate threads that are a bunch of pics in veg i will be only posting pics one a week during veg unless i run into problems. i am a noob to soil and all grows have been hydro so the only prob i think ill run into is nutes. But welcome to my new thread with my new seeds new lights and new soil !!!!!! hope you will subscribe and watch this baby grow. ALL help and suggestions are appreciated. :weed:



Well-Known Member
world of seeds sorry bout that and i have this one plant ..... but the pics of my last hydro grow is in my signature and she is still finishing up as we speak


Well-Known Member
also as you can see in the pics i have it in a smaller pot in the big soil container just incase i want to move this mom into hydro ..... i will be taking either two or three clones for my scrog grow ............. anyone know where i can find a screen that is suitable? my hydro store only had netting and i need wire... maybe homedepot or lowes?!