Blue Himalayan Diesel breeding, sprout to seed in one post


Active Member
These photos were originally taken as part of a grow competition. I am now posting them as a blatant attempt to gather votes for the plant featured in most of them. If you enjoy this post please vote for her here... Voting closes on 4/1/11 at midnight

Basic info
Grown in an 8gal, 4 site DWC. Lights consist of 10 4' T8's, 2 blue, 8 red. Fed her with gen hydro 1 part grow and flower solutions. Grow area is approx 5'wX3'dX4'h. Grow completed in 69 days from seed germination. Ended with 441 seeds from a 14" plant.

Group shot, 3 ladies, and 1 taller male

Male close up

Pollenation day

More growth

