Blue Dream Issue - Is this heat stress or mute burn- Mid section


Active Member
Hey RIU,

i'm away for a few days and had a buddy tend to my crop. When I left everything was fine and temps apparently were okay. today was feeding day and he sent me a pic of this issue. this is the only female experiencing this and before I left everyone was extremely healthy.

What is this? This Blue dream is taller than all the other strains in the tent. This issue is in the mid section of the plant.

Edit: PH is usually between 6.3-6.5.. Sitting in FFOF under 1000watt HPS

Please advise.



Well-Known Member
pH too hight keep it like 5.7 for hydro 5.9 Soil!first of all i notice some nute burn!! also if the leaf is too close to the light, it gots BLINDED and it disturbs chlorophyl production... some growers care only about temp controle and they bring the lights too close to their plants! notice this is not a Nitrogene deficiency! tell us about nutes and PPM??


Active Member
pH too hight keep it like 5.7 for hydro 5.9 Soil!first of all i notice some nute burn!! also if the leaf is too close to the light, it gots BLINDED and it disturbs chlorophyl production... some growers care only about temp controle and they bring the lights too close to their plants! notice this is not a Nitrogene deficiency! tell us about nutes and PPM??
Its soil and to be honest, 5.9? First time i was ever advised for it to be that low in soil. Nutrients are Floraduo line, and females are at Day 18 of flower. Also the lights are pulled all the way up do to this particular Sativa dom pheno stretching. As mentioned above, every other plant is growing perfectly at the moment.


Active Member
Okay but what could that be? PH is stable, light is at a distance of 12 or so inches from tops. ppm has been no higher than 950.. I'll just flush when I get back and see if that corrects it. But any ideas from the experienced would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
your ph is cool at 6.3-6.5. nute burn of some type. everystrain will handle nutes differently. i am seeing that right now myself. tell your friend to just add plain water at 6.4 and you can fix this when youre home. Perhaps the nutes still in the soil are being piled upon by your adding nutes also. Can we see full plant shots of all of them to gaga perspective?


Well-Known Member
5.9 ph is way too low for any soil except maybe roots organics, since its mostly coir based. For FF or any peat based, 5.9 would be way too low.