Blood on the bed..


Well-Known Member
So after getting home form work today at about 4pm

I started to clean the house up after a messy weekend... when I heard something that sounded at first to me like someone was crying coming from upstairs.. :? Going upstairs to investigate the first sight I was greeted with as I opened my bedroom door was blood all over my bed and in the middle of my blood soaked sheets was my cat giving birth :grin:

I layed with her for the next 2-3 hours and over this time she gave birth to a total of 3 babes.!!!

I so glad I was at home to witness this and to be on hand should anything of happened which it didnt... I have never in my life seen such small cats

All 3 are looking fine and healthy and I have made them a new bed up in the spare room I just wish I had some green so I could have a toke on them to welcome them into this world

I will get some photos uploaded of them over the next few days...:grin:

Thanks I wont be sleeping there tonight... looks like I have a night on the couch while I wait for my bed to dry after cleaning it..
Your cat is a whore!
Just kidding, congrats, what type/color are they?
thanks guys....

I grabbed my sleeping bag and a pillow and went and slept in the spare room last night, just so I could keep an eye on them, I layed there for another good couple of hours just watching them, then fell asleep... There sooo cute,

All 3 are black with strips/patches of brown/silver (tabby like)

One thing for sure is I didnt know that cats ate the umbilical cord along with the placenta and the remains of the birth sac...mmm tasty that was a sight to see seing as it was dripping in blood.
yeah my cat had kittens 2 weeks ago man. definitely not on the bed though.. lol yuck. didn't you know she was preggo? we made mine a nest out of old blankets in a box. haha next time i guess.
And on the menu tonight we have.... Kitty kebabs :mrgreen:

Your right InFaDeLiTy it was defiantly a unique experience one that I wont forget...

I did know she was pregnant but not when she was due... I never took her to the vets at all, Funny thing though is I made her up a box on sunday night and had it down stairs with a pillow towels ect as well as food and drink and she had been sleeping in there,

But she choose MY bed lol

Congrats on your 2 Jordy Villain... there defiantly wont be a next time in about 8 weeks she going in for the snip... and yeah I am going to keep them all I dont think its right to split them up

Thats a cool plaything your cats have fdd I can wait till they get to about that age and I can play with them.. and hand feed as well where they with out a mother ?
when i first saw the thread title I thought maybe you got hammered the night before and fucked a virgin in the bedroom and didnt realize it. Hehe...but congrats on the litter!

and hand feed as well where they with out a mother ?

we found them under the rose bush in the backyard. the mother was a stray and she was moving them after the first day. we kinda stole 2 from her. it's for the better. our neighborhood was getting pretty bad for awhile. the city came in and trapped about 100 strays from our neighborhood. things are better now.
You're lucky that you were there to witness it. It def. must've been interesting.
My friend's cat gave birth to three kittens, but nobody was there, and the cat accidentally killed one of the kittens trying to take care of the umbilical cord and everything.