Blood on buds


Active Member
So just wondering what thoughts are about bloody buds. Had some problems last week some1 came into my yard to check out my plants. Well I razor bladed the stalks. And hung some fish hooks. Went out this morning garden just covered in blood lol. The one they tried grabbing got
Em good all my plants are still intact any still there but couple buds got
Covered in blood. I used
The hose lightly and washed a lot away I’m just wondering thoughts on if I should toss the blood covered buds. Or if I can clean them safely don’t want a be smokin diseased weed.
No I watched the cameras deff a couple dudes. N yea I know I can’t stand the thought of having any blood on them so the front plants I’m gonna leave till finish and just trash em. Least no body else
Or somebody's pet
Got 6 foot wooden fence around the entire yard and not to mention my garden is fenced off on its own to keep my dogs N kids outta there. I wouldn’t be setting traps if I thought kids or pets or even neighbouring cats. Make sure to Try keep things safe untill a line gets crossed. Then I want blood lol.