Blood Meal


Active Member
First time post so bare with me :mrgreen:.

I bought some blood meal to help my plant with its Nitrogen problem. (due to research of others having yellowing/dying leaves and people saying that is whats the cause) Now what I was wondering since I'm new is since my plant is 1' 1/2" to 2' tall and is already in Miracle Grow soil how I should go about applying the blood meal to the soil and about how much I should put in the soil as well.

Right now the plant is in the flowering stage with the lights 12/12 and ph is kept at 6.0-6.5. It's 43 days old and is doing well except for the dying/yellowing leaves on the bottom.

I'll have pictures as soon as possible right now I can't seem to find my digital camera so I'm working on getting them. It doesn't look as awesome as some peoples plants on here but its the first grow and I've already learned alot just need a little help from some people if I can get it ;-)

Since its my first post im sure its a horrible one so give me feedback and help me out if you can I appreciate all who take the time to read. Thanks.


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm thinking maybe put it into solution would be the best way - if not the only way. I don't think it takes a lot, I used a handful for about 30 gal.