Blackthumb Plant killer back in action


Well-Known Member
OKi dokie, Another batch transplanted from the papertowel method into soil. DEAD. This time all the roots began to grow UP through the soil and curve around but never grew down. Ha ha I kill everything. Just for you micromanagers

Soil (1 Pot Baked in conventional oven to kill any pests, one not)
Tap Water (PH'd 6.5 and Chlorined Not detected) Room Temp
Closet, 12" Desktop fan venting out from the back of the closet into laundry room using dryer duct.
CFL's But at this point light is not an issue
Room temp a balmy 78 degrees and 71 at night
Soil Wet but not runny wet (Moisture meter says low end of wet)


New batch will be soil germ

I think it is a conspiracy


Well-Known Member
Ok, so what kind of soil are you using?
When you plant germed seeds, do you stick them in root down?
Are you using any ferts?
How deep are you planting?


Well-Known Member
Wierrrrrd man maybe the govornment is setting up radiation machines that make pot plants grow there roots backwards. creepy man.


Active Member
Okay, Here ya go. do the wet paper towel germanation and as soon as they break open put them in soil with the part were the roots gonna come out at facing into the soil. Only plant them 1/4in. deep! water the soil while their germanating so its only moist when you plant them. When you plant them put them immeditly on 18hr on 6hr off lighting. get a digital timer if you don't have one. I will check back to help you but you can message me to if you need anything. let me know the day that they start to come up and every day i can help okay. TTYL.


Well-Known Member
Good results can be had even in what appear to be rather marginal
situations. (i.e.: a four inch pot in a room with a skylight.) With the
minimum of: well drained medium, good light with ventilation, regular
application of a complete fertilizer, pest control, and avoidance of
detection, anyone can take a viable seed to maturity.

One need not have a lot of money, or even know-how to grow good plants.

I am the exception to the rule :((