blackjack - 6wk veg - time to flower?

hola folks-

i'm back again and my one remaining baby has been growing like mad. unfortunately showing signs of what i think is nute burn which i'm now flushing with plain water to hopefully resolve. but that's not what this thread is about.

i heard most people start flowering on this strain at 5wk but mine looked a bit small. still does. i read somewhere else wait until it's 2ft tall to induce flowering.

your thoughts?



Well-Known Member
You can induce flowering anytime, usually people do it when the plant is around 1/3 to 1/2 the height they want it to end with (assuming you're not using LST, ScroG, etc.).


Well-Known Member
u can start flowering now and youll get a decent height still , trust me i flowering when my plant was like 30cms tall now its like 65cms tall 4 weeks later and still stretching for the buds


Active Member
march 21.jpg
3 of those are blackjacks at 6 weeks so maybe youdo have nute burn?
idk if your gonna like the flowering in my garden im 5 weeks into flowering and the blackjacks are the weakest ones.