Black Widow, Chiesel, Pineapple Chunk & Chem-dog

ok well this is a bit confusing to begin with but i already have 4 plants growing nicely under a blue 125w cfl and 3x 75w red spectrum cfl's there 5wks old and 1ft (ish) i have a seperate room for flowering with a 400w hps lamp.
" so why are you growing again already??" i hear you cry.
well im going top the new ones so i get 2 tops but they will take a while to recover.

So yeah my journal i have

1x pineapple chunk
1x black widow
1x chem dog

As you can see i have a great way of germinating seeds it's a jewlery box from most hippie shops i put a layer of bubble wrap on the inside of the bottom then 4layers of kitchen roll and 4 more on top put the lid down and put them in the airing cupbord cant wait will see u soon.

