Bit info please :)


Hi guys again... 2nd grow , reorganized bit more later and quick question... done FIM and hope it looks well done, any coments? It was 6th node as i took first 2 setsbofnleaves off... too low,just resting on bucket giants overgrown leaves :)


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Looks good to me.
Couldn’t quite see in photo but you mentioned you fim’ed? looks like you topped it but I may be looking at it wrong?
Looks like your in Dwc!?
If so veg growth will be fast. You’ve got nice big fans thatl help her recover well and I’d say in about 3 days she’ll start to explode with growth.
Nice work :wink:
Yeah changed from soil.. made 2 bucked rdwc :)
Roots seem loving it, bubles 4 life :D
So far white and nice , water temps about 21°C i know its nearly danger zone , but checking daily.. can rinse quick if see no good stuff coming :) ppm on 700 now, raised since last week from 500. Might post updates how its goin later :)


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Weed is a resilient plant. It bounces back after no time. I super cropped once, thought I destroyed the whole thing. About a week later she came back stronger than ever, smartest move I ever made. I super crop every time now. GL, hope the plants thrive and provide good medicine.
Looks good to me, topped my babies couple days ago and they went boom,sending them to flowering next week. What's the strain?
Says Gg#4... doubt it, but not disaponted from their service yet. Original sensible seeds. But havent seen leaves such size...they bigger than my palm with fingers.. o.O hope it will grow a beast tree with 20oz :D


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What parts u supercrop? Is it when u bend it and snap branches? When is good to do it and how often? :)

Yes it is. I typically do it during flower, when I know I’m gonna have an issue vertically with the colas getting too close to the light. Most people do it during veg and early flower. I can’t justify doing it without an actual cause. As far as a good time, I would say anytime. Just be careful when doing it in flower, sometimes you can snap the branch in 2 because the stems become much harder after Veg which is why most do it then. Just keep in mind she’s gonna take a little to recover, so don’t do it too late in flower.
Right no problems, thanks for info. Should not be problem for me as my lights can go up to 3 meters, dont think my tree will be that tall, but hope close to 2 meters will do me. I will try to keep veg state longer to make it tree ,not bush
9 ft is plenty of height. You definitely don’t have to worry about height restrictions. Can’t imagine the need to super crop with that amount of available space. Although super cropping isn’t only needed for vertical issues.