Birds eating my plants?

I have some small week old plants in solo cups and earlier today I went to water them only to find a bird perched on the edge of a cup and when I walked up there where leaves missing.. I don't know if it was the bird's doing or bugs, but I know I'd rather it not happen again.

Has anyone had this problem?


Active Member
i dont know what to do but if it was my plants and if birds were eating the leaves i would probably try something like putting window screen around the cup so that birds couldnt get into it but i am not sure of how well that would work. it could be worth a try if you have some extra screen laying around.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
It was definately bugs man birds dont really eat leaves they eat bugs and worms. Just go to your local lowes or home depot and get an insecticide. Neem is the best choice cuz its all natural but if it doesnt work bump up to something with a little more strength like permethrin.


Well-Known Member
If there are bugs on your plants, looks into ladybugs. Ladybugs eat a variety of Cannabis consuming bugs and can be very useful if correctly applied.
Just go to your local lowes or home depot and get an insecticide. Neem is the best choice.
I'm going to try that, as well as encircle my plants with chicken wire to keep out deer or anything else that could possibly do me dirty... I'm really hoping these will survive to harvest before the end of the year


mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Had a seedling of some bubba kush I got awhile back. Was prob going to be pretty rank, till a bird plucked it right out of the ground, ran back to the truck and grabbed the 22 and shot the fucker.


Well-Known Member
I deal with the problem of pesky animals and insects by covering my growing area with very fine mosquito netting. So far, it has worked pretty well :) All my plants outside who are covered by netting are all alive and safely growing