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Many people believe that once you have all your Brain Cells, that's it, and from there on all you can do is lose them. But that is actually not true. The recent discovery of Neurogenesis shows us that new Brain Cells (Neurons) can be formed in the Human brain, and the discovery of Synaptogenesis shows that new pathways can be created between those Neurons. The difference between these things is that Neurons are the actual Brain Cell, while Synapses are the electrochemical signals of the Neuron. When you hear a song and it reminds you of what you were doing the first time you heard that song, this is called Cognition. Cogs are the gears in a machine, so Cognition can be pictures as gears in a machine, where one gear is attached to something that makes it spin, but the other gears spin because the first gear is spinning them, and that can cause a whole cluster of gears to spin. That is Cognition in your brain also, the first spark causes a series of other sparks, and as in the example you hear a song and remember what you were doing the first time you heard it. This happens along a pathway of Neurons via their Synaptic signaling, the Synapses create the pathways, so with Neurogenesis you have more Neurons and with Synaptogenesis you can create new pathways.

In your brain you have an Endocannabinoid System (ECS), and it has shown to play an important role in different Neural functions. These papers explain some of the things the ECS plays a role in, including Neurogensis

This paper includes a full explanation of what Neurogenesis is

It has also been shown that the Endocannabinoid called 2-AG has been proven to be able to protect the brain from brain damage in the case of a Traumatic Brain Injury and can stop brain swelling.

This study was done in 2001 and shows that it protects the brain from brain damage

This study was done in 2003 and shows that it can reverse brain swelling (Edema) which happens to people in a Coma and is a major cause of death in a Coma, or after a Stroke.

This study also shows that is can reverse brain swelling

There is even a Patent for 2-AG that says what it does

And somehow this information has not made it in to a single Hospital. Even in Colorado where Cannabinoid research is easier and more people have access to it, the Hospitals have no idea what to use it for, and do not have any form of it available. Cannabis in Colorado is all done through Dispensaries and Doctors who specifically have an office for Marijuana patients and not one that has all this research available and materials ready, but usually just an Office where they give Marijuana prescriptions and do check ups if the person wants to come in and see how Marijuana has helped half way through their first year of Prescription. These Doctors aren't specifically affiliated with the Dispensaries, but they are not in Hospitals either. And none of this kind of information is getting in to the Hospitals. And it is the same all over the country in Medical states, they know that it is good for Chronic Pain, Seizures, Glaucoma, and in place of Opioids. But there aren't Doctors in Hospitals that have patients with Brain Swelling that just say "Let's put some 2-AG in an IV" and there is no 2-AG in the Hospitals when someone has, for example, Traumatic Bain Injury.

These research papers explain how Cannabinoids act as a Neuroprotectant

Synaptogenesis is connected to Neurogenesis in Cognition, but they are 2 completely different things. Synaptogenesis has to do with Dendrites. Dendrites are arms that extend from your Neurons and allow the electrochemically signaling between cells. Synaptogenesis is achieved using Ampakines.

This Paper explains how Ampakines create new pathways within hours, and how Ampakines could eventually replace MAOIs and SSRIs.

This is also not well known in Hospitals. In Hospitals the Ampakine called Ketamine is used almost like an Opioid alternative. But Ampakines can be used to help create new pathways between Neurons.

Examples of Ampakines include: CX-614, Aniracetam and MXP
During the Soviet Era, and especially at the end when the US and the Soviet Union were in the middle of the Cold War, Scientific Discoveries on each side became more isolated from each other and there was a split in the Scientific Communities of the East and the West and the directions of their Scientific Research. And this split has lasted in to today. An example of this is the Russian Perspective on Olympic Athletes Doping. Over the last 10-20 years there are a large number of Molecules that have become listed as banned for Olympic Athletes, but in Russia they prescribe these kinds of Molecules to people all across the country. Another example is Piracetam, which in the US not considered a Medicine, but it is known to improve cognitive function, and is prescribed in Russia to improve Cognitive function.

This paper explains some of the Pharmacological Contributions of the Soviet Union

This paper explains some of the Physiological Contributions of the Soviet Union

And because the US had recently dropped a Nuclear Bomb on Japan, the Soviet Union also did research on the role of Tryptamines as Anti-Radiological medicines which also lead to Research into the role of Trypamines, such as Melatonin, in the brain

A lot of people have heard of Government projects where Psychedelics were tested for different purposes. A well Documented example is Edgewood Arsenal, where an array of Psychoactive Molecules were tested on volunteers in the Airforce. But many people do not realize that during this time Psychedelics were being used in Psychiatry with great success. The best example is MDMA, now called Ecstasy, which during the 70s was considered a Miracle drug for all kinds of Psychiatric treatment.

These research papers explain the use of Hallucinogenics in Psychiatric therapy

This paper explains extremely recent research (Published in 2016) into MDMA and Psilocybin in Psychiatric therapy

This paper shows that Psychedelics like Psilocybin and Mescaline do not cause long term Mental health problems

This paper shows where Native Americans who use Peyote (Mescaline) regularly were tested against Alcoholics, and the Native Americans showed no deficit in neuropsychological performance, while the Alcoholics showed a strong deficit

This is basically an entire scientific field that was left hanging after the Cold War
You do not age because of time, but because of a process called Senescence, which the process of Cell Deterioration as your cells split over and over and over and over. Not everyone who is 20 years old has the same Biological Senescence rate. For example, a 60 year old could theoretically have the same Senescence rate as a 20 year old. The reason Senescence happens is because as your Cells split your DNA also splits. So every time a new Cell is made, your DNA is ripped apart. In order to not lose any of itself in this process, your DNA has what are called Telomeres. Telomeres exist at the ends of your DNA so that when your DNA splits you lose some of the Telomere instead of some of the DNA, but as your Cells split over and over and over, the Telomeres become shorter and shorter, causing Senescence. There are a few Animals that do not go through Senescence, and these Animals are known as Biologically Immortal. Examples are Lobsters, Jellyfish, Hydra & some Bacteria and Yeast, all of which can very easily live over 100-200 years in the wild and in some cases much longer. The Turritopsis Nutricula Jellyfish is considered to be truly Immortal.

Research into Life Extension and Immortality is closely linked to Cancer Research, in fact most Scientific Research in general right now is focused on DNA. But Life Extension and Cancer Research are almost one in the same in that Genomic Cancer Research has a lot to do with the fact that Tumors/Cancer are Immortal.

Papers about Telomeres in Cancer and Aging

These Papers are about Telomeres in Cancer

This Research Paper shows how DMSO (a common Solvent) can be used to Inhibit Telomerase. Telomerase is an enzyme that adds Nucleotides to Telomeres, effectively extending them. So Inhibiting Telomerase effectively limits the lifespan of Cancer cells.

These Papers explain Telomerase in Aging

hTERT is one of the most important Targets in this Research. This Paper explains how using hTERT, Human Cells can be Immortalized

These Papers explain the role of hTERT in Telomerase function and Cancer

This paper explains the roles of hTR and hTRT in Telomerase function and Cell Immortality

This paper explains a Molecule called Cycloastragenol, which has been shown to activate Telomrase

This Paper shows how Cycloastragenol can supress Lung Damage

These Papers explain Telemorization, which has been shown to create Immortal Cells

Antisense means, having a sequence of nucleotides complementary to (and hence capable of binding to) a coding sequence, which may be either that of the strand of a DNA double helix that undergoes transcription, or that of a messenger RNA molecule. Something that can do this is called an Antisense Agent. Examples are 2-MOE and 2-5A, here is a book about Antisense Drug Technology

Here are some Papers that explain Antisense in Cancer Treatment

Another important factor in all of this is a new field of Research known as Epigenetics. Epigenetics shows that your DNA can actually change based on different factors, and these changes in DNA over the course of your life can actually be passed down.

Here are some Papers that give an Overview of Epigenetics

And most Medical Research is focused on DNA at the moment, so Regular Doctors and Oncologists, etc, will be more willing and ready to look into things like this than anything else.
A lot of people know what Creatine is, but it is thought of as a bodybuilding supplement, you won't hear your Doctor suggest taking Creatine for anything because your Doctor probably thinks of it as a bodybuilding supplement. Creatine is a very normal part of everyday body health, for example, when they test steak to see what quality the steak is, the higher the Creatine levels, the better the steak.

This paper shows that Creatine helps protect from Spinal Cord Injury

This paper shows that Creatine can help after Spinal Cord Injury

There are other Molecules similar to Amino Acids that are suggested by Doctors, such as Arganine, but Creatine should be used along side Arganine for the best results. Another Amino Acid that could be used is Citrulline. All of these are closely related and play a role in Muscle Health.

Then there is something that is not even close to anything being done by Doctors. S4 is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, and would have various functions in Hospitals if used. S4 could be used to reduce atrophy, and for example, someone in a full body cast would be able to leave the Hospital with the same Muscle Mass as they came in with, people learning to walk again could rebuild leg Muscles faster and long term Wound Treatment could be a faster, easier process.

This paper explains the function of S4

This paper explains how S4 could be used for Spinal Injuries
What is cancer?

The word cancer is derived from the Latin word for crab because cancers are often very irregularly shaped, and because, like a crab, they "grab on and don't let go." The term cancer specifically refers to a new growth which has the ability to invade surrounding tissues, metastasize (spread to other organs) and which may eventually lead to the patient's death if untreated. The terms tumor and cancer are sometimes used interchangeably which can be misleading. A tumor is not necessarily a cancer. The word tumor simply refers to a mass. For example, a collection of fluid would meet the definition of a tumor. A cancer is a particularly threatening type of tumor. It is helpful to keep these distinctions clear when discussing a possible cancer diagnosis.

Neoplasm- A neoplasm is an abnormal new growth of cells. The cells in a neoplasm usually grow more rapidly than normal cells and will continue to grow if not treated. As they grow, neoplasms can impinge upon and damage adjacent structures. The term neoplasm can refer to benign (usually curable) or malignant (cancerous) growths.

Tumor- A tumor is a commonly used, but non-specific, term for a neoplasm. The word tumor simply refers to a mass. This is a general term that can refer to benign (generally harmless) or malignant (cancerous) growths.

Benign tumor- Benign tumors are non-malignant/non-cancerous tumor. A benign tumor is usually localized, and does not spread to other parts of the body. Most benign tumors respond well to treatment. However, if left untreated, some benign tumors can grow large and lead to serious disease because of their size. Benign tumors can also mimic malignant tumors, and so for this reason are sometimes treated.

Malignant tumor- Malignant tumors are cancerous growths. They are often resistant to treatment, may spread to other parts of the body and they sometimes recur after they were removed.

Cancer- A cancer is another word for a malignant tumor (a malignant neoplasm).
Cancer Cures
I use ResearchGate for Research like this just because you do not have to pay to read their papers if they are the ones hosting it. Sometime they will redirect you to other Research Journals,but any paper they host is free. Most of the cures are based on the findings of FAAH Inhibitors, and the actions of Fatty Acids in the brain, and Fatty Acid is the FA in FAAH. The H in FAAH is Hydroxylase, FAAH is an enzyme that messes with the Hydrogen atoms hanging off of Fatty Acids. And an FAAH Inhibitor inhibits that action, allowing the Hydrogen to go unscathed. The cures are not themselves FAAH Inhibitors, but have come along within the scope of the same research as FAAH Inhibitors. The reason Fatty Acids are important is because they create new molecules in your brain that attach to receptors like the CB1 and CB2 receptors, and the CB2 receptor is the receptor that most effectively helps cure or prevent Tumors and Cancer.

"Changes in lipid metabolism are intimately related to cancer. Several classes of bioactive lipids play roles in the regulation of signaling pathways involved in neoplastic transformation and tumor growth and progression. The endocannabinoid system, comprising lipid-derived endocannabinoids, their G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), and the enzymes for their metabolism, is emerging as a promising therapeutic target in cancer... A significant number of studies have been performed to clarify the biological role of the ECS, its regulatory functions in health and disease, and the potential of its pharmacological exploitation. The ECS comprises two GPCRs, CB1 and CB2"

Colon Cancer

"Saturated fatty acids can be used to: boost the immune system, for weight management, as antimicrobials, to support the structure of gut mucosa, and as dietary adjuncts in cases of chronic degenerative disease, such as cardiovascular disease, liver disease and cancer."
"Dietary fish oil (FO) has been shown to lower the incidence of chemically induced colon cancer in rats compared with saturated fats or oils rich in n-6 PUFAs."

General Cancer

"Similarities between effects of cannabinoids-endocannabinoids, omega-3 LCPUFA and CLAs/CLnAs as anti-inflammatory, antiangiogenic, anti-invasive anti-cancer agents indicate common signalling pathways. Evidence in vivo and in vitro shows EPA and DHA can form endocannabinoids that: (i) are ligands for CB(1/2) receptors and possibly TRPV-1, (ii) have non-receptor mediated bioactivity, (iii) induce cell cycle arrest, (iii) increase autophagy and apoptosis, and (iv) augment chemotherapeutic actions in vitro."
"...can be achieved by either increasing the selectivity of the ligands for the CB2 receptor or by developing peripherally restricted CB1/CB2 ligands. A vast number of structurally diverse CB2 ligands have been developed during the past 3 years, stemming from the screening hits, which are further optimized towards lead compounds and drug candidates. Some of CB2 ligands may ultimately enter into clinical use as pain relief, anticancer, or antipruritic agents. "

Lung Cancer
"This study investigates the role of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) within this action. In the lung cancer cell lines A549, H358, and H460, cannabidiol (CBD; 0.001-3 μM) elicited concentration-dependent ICAM-1 up-regulation compared to vehicle via cannabinoid receptors, transient receptor potential vanilloid 1, and p42/44 mitogen-activated protein kinase. Up-regulation of ICAM-1 mRNA by CBD in A549 was 4-fold at 3 μM, with significant effects already evident at 0.01 μM. ICAM-1 induction became significant after 2 h, whereas significant TIMP-1 mRNA increases were observed only after 48 h. Inhibition of ICAM-1 by antibody or siRNA approaches reversed the anti-invasive and TIMP-1-upregulating action of CBD and the likewise ICAM-1-inducing cannabinoids Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol and R(+)-methanandamide when compared to isotype or nonsilencing siRNA controls. ICAM-1-dependent anti-invasive cannabinoid effects were confirmed in primary tumor cells from a lung cancer patient. In athymic nude mice, CBD elicited a 2.6- and 3.0-fold increase of ICAM-1 and TIMP-1 protein in A549 xenografts, as compared to vehicle-treated animals, and an antimetastatic effect that was fully reversed by a neutralizing antibody against ICAM-1 [% metastatic lung nodules vs. isotype control (100%): 47.7% for CBD + isotype antibody and 106.6% for CBD + ICAM-1 antibody]. Overall, our data indicate that cannabinoids induce ICAM-1, thereby conferring TIMP-1 induction and subsequent decreased cancer cell invasiveness."

Breast Cancer
"CB1 and CB2 are overexpressed in primary human breast tumors compared with normal breast tissue. We have also observed that the breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB231, MDA-MB231-luc, and MDA-MB468 express CB1 and CB2 receptors."

Gliomas (Brain Cancer)
"...inhibit the growth of different types of tumor cells, including glioma cells, in laboratory animals. They do so by modulating key cell signaling pathways, mostly the endoplasmic reticulum stress response, thereby inducing antitumoral actions such as the apoptotic death of tumor cells and the inhibition of tumor angiogenesis."

Melanoma (Skin Cancer)
"Previous studies have indicated the antitumoral effect of human melanocytes, human melanoma cell lines expressing CB1 receptor (CB1), and of the peritumoral administration of endocannabinoids. In the present study, we systematically screened several human melanoma cell lines for the expression of CNR1 and demonstrated transcription of the authentic gene. The product of CNR1, the CB1 protein, was found localized to the cell membrane as well as to the cytoskeleton. Further, the studied human melanoma cell lines expressed functional CB1 since physiological and synthetic ligands, anandamide (AEA), Met-F-AEA, ACEA and AM251 showed a wide range of biological effects in vitro, for example anti-proliferative, proapoptotic and anti-migratory. More importantly, our studies revealed that systemic administration of a stable CB1 agonist, ACEA, into SCID mice specifically inhibited liver colonization of human melanoma cells. Since therapeutic options for melanoma patients are still very limited, the endocannabinoid-CB1 receptor system may offer a novel target."
Many people don't pay much attention to ban lists, but if you look at things like the US Scheduled Substances lists, or the World Anti-Doping Agency list, it can actually lead to some pretty interesting research. Everything in this post is from the World Anti-Doping Agency, with just a few things added, so if you are a professional athlete you can't take any of these things. But if you are not a professional athlete and, for example, have been trying to find a way to be more healthy, then this can help you.

First, Blood Doping. Blood Doping is where people have Blood drawn from their Bloodstream, but then later go and have the Blood put back. This causes an Abnormal amount of red blood cells to be present, which allows for more oxygen to be carried which allows for better muscle performance.

An Alternative to Blood Doping is to use Artificial Oxygen Carriers, which do the same things as red blood cells.

Something similar to Blood Doping, but also very different is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) which is not actually banned by WADA.

Here is a Research Paper about how PRP is prepared

Here are some Research Papers about what PRP does

Erythropoies is the production of red blood cells, and there are various Molecules that can be taken in order to promote Erythropoies. Here are some Research Papers about Erythropoies Stimulating Agents

Beta-2 Agonists can improve Respiratory (lung/breathing system) function, here are some Research Papers about Beta-2 Agonists

Aromatase Inhibitors can change the level of Estrogen in your body, here are some Research Papers about Aromatase Inhibitors

SARMs or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, effect the amount of Testosterone your body produces. Here are some research Papers about SARMs

SERMs or Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators, effect the amount of Estrogen your body produces. Here are some Research Papers about SERMs

Myostatin Inhibitors are best explained by Gorillas. You never see a Gorilla doing pushups or lifting weights, but they still develop huge muscles. This is due to their Myostatin Inhibition. Myostatin puts a natural cap on muscle growth to stop muscles from growing too large, and it could be said to be over-expressed in Humans. A Myostatin Inhibitor reduces the levels of Myostatin, allowing for much easier, faster and effective muscle growth. 2 Examples of Myostatin Inhibitors are Follistatin and YK-11. Here are some Research Papers about Myostatin Inhibitors

Metabolic Modulators can control your Muslce Metabolism. Here are some Research Papers about Metabolic Modulators.

Glucocorticoids are Steroid Hormones. Here are some Research Papers about Glucocorticoids
The rest of these molecules can be considered stimulants, and they may or may not be on the WADA list

Octopamine is a natural molecule in the body and closely related to Adrenaline. It can be found in weight loss supplements. Here are some Research Papers about Octopamine

Synephrine is another natural molecule in the body and closely related to Adrenaline (Epinephrine). It can be found in Bitter Orange Extract. Here are some research papers about Synephrine

Fucoxanthin can be found in certain kinds of Seaweed and is known to burn fat. Here are some research Papers about Fucoxanthin

Cordyceps Mushrooms are said to have various health benefits and improve energy. Here are some Research Papers about Cordyceps Mushrooms
The rest of these molecules can be considered stimulants, and they may or may not be on the WADA list

Octopamine is a natural molecule in the body and closely related to Adrenaline. It can be found in weight loss supplements. Here are some Research Papers about Octopamine

Synephrine is another natural molecule in the body and closely related to Adrenaline (Epinephrine). It can be found in Bitter Orange Extract. Here are some research papers about Synephrine

Fucoxanthin can be found in certain kinds of Seaweed and is known to burn fat. Here are some research Papers about Fucoxanthin

Cordyceps Mushrooms are said to have various health benefits and improve energy. Here are some Research Papers about Cordyceps Mushrooms
you finally came back after this long, without some epic explanation of where youve been. also to make it worse you come back with a giant wall of copy and paste stuff again.
1 star
I was even like.. Once I ignored fin to actually find responses in a thread and after that every thread said show ignored content

I mean that's qwizo level shit
I wish..
We would explode.

I realize this is prolly about fins past here but we've since exiled him

Soon as it's legal here we're gonna have thousands of acres dedicated to growing mainly sativa. And that's just what I'm doing. Lota people with alota land here
Better watch what you wish for. If weed became legal in Texas, Fin would move back and start a commune by you that's run by robots.