biocanna nute problem

this is my first grow.

2 bubbleberry plant under a 400 watt hps. 4x5x4 sealed grow box. passive intake. temps 70-79F. low humidity at around 20%. 2 weeks into flowering.

i am feeding the plants according to the biocanna nute schedule using the full biocanna line using just over half the recommended amounts. the water sits for a least 2 days before being used.

does it look like i have a ph problem or could this be over feeding? i have heard that it is relatively hard to over feed with the biocanna and measuring ph and ec are supposedly pointless in this type of organic growing. maybe some type of deficiency? i am stumped and i have such little experience i have to ask for help. i can't seem to pin point what it might be using the books i have or information i found online.

does anyone know what this could be? any help would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
It looks like you have some sort of deficiency which very well can be related to your PH. Make sure you are in this range:
5.8 hydro
6.5 Soil
I think you're seeing signs of overfeeding, I heard blueberry can be sensitive to nutes
thanks for the suggestions. i think i may give them just ph'ed water next feeding and hope that whatever this is clears up. i'm leaning towards over feeding but a ph problem may also be a contributing factor.
If you've been using Bio-Vega it could be overfeeding?

The dude in the shop told me that you don't need to use it much, maybe just a bit in the last 2 weeks of vegging & in the first 2/3 weeks of flowering, he said to give away half the small bottle i bought as i won't need it...

I think Bio-Terra has alot of Nitrogen in it already, so anymore & your gonna burn....
If you've been using Bio-Vega it could be overfeeding?

The dude in the shop told me that you don't need to use it much, maybe just a bit in the last 2 weeks of vegging & in the first 2/3 weeks of flowering, he said to give away half the small bottle i bought as i won't need it...

I think Bio-Terra has alot of Nitrogen in it already, so anymore & your gonna burn....
i guess its possible that it is overfeeding but not of the vega as i'm over three weeks into flowering and tapered it out at the switch to 12/12. it could be overfeeding of the flora but the guy at my shop says that his canna supplier say with the water in our city we should feed a bit more than in most places (but i'm not sure of the reasoning behind this).

tomorrow or friday i'm going down to see them with some pictures to see if they can identify whats going on.


Well-Known Member
I'm 4-5 weeks into flowering and I am giving my plants 2-3x the recommeded dosage of Bioflores. I was doing full to 1.5x strength vega on my plants as they were vegging hard and going into flowering, still got some deficiencies that look like that. I cant even give these girls enough nutes now!


Active Member
hit them with more food go full strength and buy some litmus paper or a ph kit its like 8 bucks i had some similar looking leaves but i removed them and hit em with some seaweed
What are you growing in soil? Biocanna is only for soil gardens. The Ph on Biocanna can go between 6.2 and 7 and supplement only to soil. Make sure you are using good soil as well.


Well-Known Member
Hey dr greenbum,
I use the bio canna nutes with biobizz all mix soil. And ive never had a burn problem with them on any strain ive grown, just ph issues at first. With the bio vega and bio flores you shouldnt modify the ph cause it does it for you. I use to add my nutes to the water, and then modify ph till it reaches 6. But one day i tested the water's ph just after adding the nutes and before adding the ph down.. and realized it was already at 6.
Unless your using a really heavy soil, it shouldnt be over fert. Flush with ph'd water and you should be fine...

Oh i forgot to mention i grew out blueberry from dutch passions too... The bud was fantastic.. the picture in my avatar is a cross of blueberry with strawberry cough... Grown with the same nutes as you, guano tea, and mollasses