bigger than watergate?


Well-Known Member
Wow, Russia must be really amazing to make Hillary Clinton run Clinton Foundation pay to play scam mixed with her role as Secretary of State against regulation in her downstairs basement server.
Then Hillary could easily get hacked because she has a server in her basement with crap security with Classified information on it run by some tech noobie!

Wow, Russia is interfering with out elections by leaking Hillary and DNC and Podesta scams and having the American citizens be aware of their leaders corruption! Damn that evil Russia for screwing with US elections!



Well-Known Member
Wow, Russia must be really amazing to make Hillary Clinton run Clinton Foundation pay to play scam mixed with her role as Secretary of State against regulation in her downstairs basement server.
Then Hillary could easily get hacked because she has a server in her basement with crap security with Classified information on it run by some tech noobie!

Wow, Russia is interfering with out elections by leaking Hillary and DNC and Podesta scams and having the American citizens be aware of their leaders corruption! Damn that evil Russia for screwing with US elections!

Do you normally defend espionage or is it something you only got behind after joining the Trump cult?


Well-Known Member
Your argument basically boils down to this: American people deserve to be ignorant of their corrupt politicians, and if someone exposes the truth to them then that person is rigging the elections!

See how ridiculous that argument is? Come get me when Russia has hacked the voting machines or somehow stuffed the ballots of the American citizen. Until then, you must really hate whistleblowers like Wikileaks and Snowden for exposing the truth to the public. The American public voted who for they wanted, and the people spoke this November and as far as I know Putin didn't cast any votes or alter any. If the DNC/Podesta/Hillary didn't want their scams and corruption to be revealed, then maybe they should have not been corrupt in the first place! Then Russia or whoever could hack them and they wouldn't have anything to worry about. Unless you actually think the leaks are fabricated or false, but I do not think anyone is making that claim since they are verified as true.

name one.
Also, maybe you choose to be willfully ignorant about the mega millions the Clintons were receiving in money from all over the world in pay to play deals. They received almost $200 Million in 2014 alone, not to mention the $400,000 speaking fees that both Hillary and Bill received from foreigners and big Corp's. So if you are not aware of it now, then nothing I can say will convince you.

EDIT: Also, does anyone remember when the Democrats were making such a big deal out of if Trump lost the election, whether he would accept it or not?

Now the Democrats won't accept it, trying recounts now "Russia fixed the US elections" !
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Your argument basically boils down to this: American people deserve to be ignorant of their corrupt politicians
if it's about exposing corruption, why didn;t they leak the RNC's info, which they also hacked?


the Clintons were receiving in money from all over the world in pay to play deals.
so then it should be super easy for you to name a single one.

you dumb fucking shithead racist.


Well-Known Member
if it's about exposing corruption, why didn;t they leak the RNC's info, which they also hacked?


so then it should be super easy for you to name a single one.

you dumb fucking shithead racist.
if RNC email were hacked, and exposed some shady stuff then I would say its all better for the US elections that the citizens know the truth about their scummy candidates. Would I go hunting after the leaker and try to invalidate the results due to "election tampering?" Nah, probably not, that seems really petty. Would I try to assassinate Julian Asange? nah

flashback a few months:
What if Trump won't accept defeat?
As their nominee unravels, Republicans worry where his scorched-earth, rigged-election rhetoric leads the GOP and the country.

By Eli Stokols

08/22/16 05:01 AM EDT

Politico Magazine

Donald Trump is on track to lose in November and to refuse to accept the legitimacy of that Election Day result. That’s a problem not just for Hillary Clinton but for both political parties and the country. For everyone, really, other than Donald Trump.

from the comments section, some of these people ready to hang Trump for treason if he doesn't accept defeat! I wonder if this same person put bullseye target on picture of Trump if he won?

Robert Rio
Owner at Self-Employed
Treason is punishable by hanging.
Jefferson Madison
If Trump loses keep an eye on Trump's Russian Agents (hackers too), and his White-Nationalist media ties - the Breitbart guy (Trump's Campaign CEO Steve Bannon), and the InfoWars guy (Alex Jones, Trump mentor/supporter/reptilian alien kook, and White-Nationalist).

These White-Nationalist sites and their subscribers are always going on about a coming revolution of the "neglected white majority". Some real trouble brewing there.
South Mike ·
Cornelius, North Carolina
Weeks after "Russian agents" hacked the DNC and it was proven that the DNC fixed the election to defeat the socialist loon who has disappeared off the face of the planet and somehow managed to buy a $600,000 lake house, the idiot sycophants continue their daily Trump obession.

David Wilde
Can Democrats declare the elections rigged if Trump wins? All they have to do is point to the numerous times Trump and others on the right insisted that the whole system was rigged. Just decide not to accept the election results that don't suit them. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


Well-Known Member
if RNC email were hacked, and exposed some shady stuff then I would say its all better for the US elections that the citizens know the truth about their scummy candidates. Would I go hunting after the leaker and try to invalidate the results due to "election tampering?" Nah, probably not, that seems really petty. Would I try to assassinate Julian Asange? nah

flashback a few months:
What if Trump won't accept defeat?
As their nominee unravels, Republicans worry where his scorched-earth, rigged-election rhetoric leads the GOP and the country.

By Eli Stokols

08/22/16 05:01 AM EDT

Politico Magazine

Donald Trump is on track to lose in November and to refuse to accept the legitimacy of that Election Day result. That’s a problem not just for Hillary Clinton but for both political parties and the country. For everyone, really, other than Donald Trump.

from the comments section, some of these people ready to hang Trump for treason if he doesn't accept defeat! I wonder if this same person put bullseye target on picture of Trump if he won?
nice meltdown, but the question still remains.

if it was about simply exposing corruption, as you claimed, why did they not expose the RNC hacks?


still waiting for a single example of pay to play too.

racist shithead.


Well-Known Member
nice meltdown, but the question still remains.

if it was about simply exposing corruption, as you claimed, why did they not expose the RNC hacks?


still waiting for a single example of pay to play too.

racist shithead.
DNC and RNC are completely different servers and organizations, and afaik Podesta was hacked through simple social engineering having him click on a "Google I Forgot My Password" page and gave his password from the phishing link. He literally clicked a link saying it was Google and they needed his password, and entered his password for them. Sophisticated Russia hcaker? So you really have no idea what if anything was hacked from RNC to make the claim that somehow something very dubious was hacked, but "Russia" is rigging elections so they kept it a secret. There is plenty of proof of corruption and election rigging with the DNC email hack though.

There is a reason Clintons went from "dead broke" after leaving the whitehouse, to having well into the 8 figures networth. That's not just from writing good books either.


Well-Known Member
LOL first sentance................

"The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter."

OP is firmly in the "popular vote" for Hillary crowd. In light of that this clearly reads "We supported the Russians original intent until we learned they wanted Trump".

  1. 1.
    used to indicate one's preference in a particular matter.
    "would you like some wine, or would you rather stick to sherry?"
    synonyms: sooner, by preference, preferably, by choice
    "I would rather stay home"
  2. 2.
    to a certain or significant extent or degree.
    "she's been behaving rather strangely"
    synonyms: quite, a bit, a little, fairly, slightly, somewhat, relatively, to some degree, comparatively;More


Yeah, think I will just stop there.


Well-Known Member
LOL first sentance................

"The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter."

OP is firmly in the "popular vote" for Hillary crowd. In light of that this clearly reads "We supported the Russians original intent until we learned they wanted Trump".

  1. 1.
    used to indicate one's preference in a particular matter.
    "would you like some wine, or would you rather stick to sherry?"
    synonyms: sooner, by preference, preferably, by choice
    "I would rather stay home"
  2. 2.
    to a certain or significant extent or degree.
    "she's been behaving rather strangely"
    synonyms: quite, a bit, a little, fairly, slightly, somewhat, relatively, to some degree, comparatively;More


Yeah, think I will just stop there.

LOL, sentance.


Well-Known Member
DNC and RNC are completely different servers and organizations, and afaik Podesta was hacked through simple social engineering having him click on a "Google I Forgot My Password" page and gave his password from the phishing link. He literally clicked a link saying it was Google and they needed his password, and entered his password for them. Sophisticated Russia hcaker? So you really have no idea what if anything was hacked from RNC to make the claim that somehow something very dubious was hacked, but "Russia" is rigging elections so they kept it a secret. There is plenty of proof of corruption and election rigging with the DNC email hack though.

There is a reason Clintons went from "dead broke" after leaving the whitehouse, to having well into the 8 figures networth. That's not just from writing good books either.

enough with the meltdown.

you made a pathetic attempt at claiming this was only about exposing corruption. but you can't explain why they didn't leak the RNC hacks. so we can shitcan that dumbfuck excuse.

you still haven't named a single pay to play, either.

you can't back up a single thing you say, so shouldn't you just give the fuck up already?


Well-Known Member
enough with the meltdown.

you made a pathetic attempt at claiming this was only about exposing corruption. but you can't explain why they didn't leak the RNC hacks. so we can shitcan that dumbfuck excuse.

you still haven't named a single pay to play, either.

you can't back up a single thing you say, so shouldn't you just give the fuck up already?
Trump had plenty of his own leaks, remember the leaked tax records, leaked voice recordings, child rape accusation, "illegal immigrant whore wife" accusation (remember that one, you championed it?).

In elections both sides have leaks. Dems just taking the loss sour grapes to the next level and claiming is evil Russian conspiracy when they lost by email leaks! Not to mention Hillary literally under FBI investigation and wiping her email servers to get rid of any evidence that should be available by FOIA because "it just yoga and wedding stuff." No mention of DNC manipulation against Sanders, DNC chair stepdown, etc..

Come back when Russia is actually rigging our voting machines for a candidate then I will side with you, for now, the evidence shows Podesta was just "phished" in some random Gmail message that most kids know not to click on. Not sophisticated Kermlin hackers! Who knows who did the DNC leaks, but honestly if its just exposing information that is truthful these claims are kind of pointless since its basically kill the messenger attacks. There is tons of hacking in governments and corporations all the time. Heck it could be China or Romania or literally anyone with a computer and internet access.