bigger light bigger bud?


Active Member
Ok so I grew some nice shit for my first try using a 400 w hps and while it is nice to be smoking my own good shit... my friend comes over with some fucking bomb ass shit... cherry cush or some shit like that... as I looked at the buds on his shit and compared them to mine it made me sad as want to grow some of that kind of shit... so I guess my question is this will a bigger light make for a bigger thicker and more dense bud? I hate that I am going to break down and buy a sack of someone elses herb when I just spent months growing my own... but god damn that cherry shit was the bomb


Well-Known Member
It all depends on the seed.Even given Optium conditions growing ,each strain (seed) has its own genetics and will only grow what its strain is genetically programed to grow. probably his cherry cush was just a more potent and larger bud growing plant..


Active Member
its only one of many factors. read up on molasses, some claim to consitently see 20% more weight when using molasses in flower. theres a number of ways to add mass to your buds, ill probably try em all eventually. but yes, more light should equate to more dense and weighty buds assuming all ather factors are the same (temp, etc)