Big problems with my Pot plant- Potassium Def due to Nute Lock? (Pics)


Hey guys. New to the site but I neeeeed your guys' help bad.

I am in week 5 of flower and I have had some serious problem. I don't feel too bad cause its my first time and I have two nice clones ready to go.

Here are some pictures of my girl. She has lost alot of green out of the older leaves and they have been seriously burned at the tips. Most of the leaves are rust colored and dying. I have ALSO been out of town for days at a time for xmas, only coming back to water my plant. So I think its a mixture of nute lock which lead to K deficiency and dehydration. (The stems to the leaves are also purple which points to overnuting.)

Right when I saw this I gave her a flushing with distilled water. The pot is 1.5 gallons so I ran 5 gallons of distilled water through the pot. I then gave it a very light feeding of Fox Farm Tiger Bloom (less than 1 tsp per gal). Waited a day and a half and tonight ran 3 more gallons of distilled water through the pot and gave it a normal feeding of Fox Farm Grow Big (2 tsp) to get some green (N) back in the leaves. Is this right? I feel like from what I see on this site that I shouldn't be adding nutes but the soil has been throughly leeched and my plants don't look good :(




Active Member
How tall is your plant??? I think you have combination of things going on, I'm no pro but I read alot and got my garden going so I would guess that your pots are too small 1.5 is super small I got 3 gal bags. I hear it's a gal. a foot for plant height. Hope this helps and stop using nutes for a bit. Get other opinions before acting as I am not a professional and don't want to lead you astray this is just my best guess as you are farther along than me I'm only at 3 weeks flower.


Pot size a problem? hmmm, haven't thought of that... I water the pot daily so the soil is consitently moist. I think I can keep it in a small pot if I just keep it watered... but idk

anybody else confirm?


Active Member
I'm only on my second grow myself, so don't take my input too seriously. Your plant looks like my plants did in my first grow - started about week 3. Purchase any brand name Cal-Mag liquid product and apply with each watering throughout flowering. It appears to me that some strains - particularly indica strains - experience severe Cal-Mag deficiency on the onset of flowering. The severly damaged leaves should be trimmed off - however - some leaves will actually recover and become good leaves again - but will show some scars to remind you that next time - give them Cal-Mag right from the start.


this it is from nute lock tho? I they have been getting a steady stream of Fox Farm nutes throughout its life


Active Member
Again - don't take my advice - but I observed during my last grow that the production of flowers for some strains results in an immediate deficiency in either calcium, magnesium, iron, or one of the many trace minerals present in most Cal-Mag products.

I believe this to be the case because the application of Cal-Mag to my plants which looked like yours cured them.

From my experience, "nutrient lock" occurs when your pH is either too high or low - making it so the plants cannot absorb the nutrients they need - so they show signs of deficiency - even though you have given them planty of nutrients.


Well-Known Member
if you have given it nutes every feeding then next water do a flush. This time STOP ADDING NUTRIENTS. It sounds like you have been adding nutes in every water and that is a well accepted no no. You need to flush it again. Im telling u that after the soil is leached you will ONLY USE PLAIN WATER for easily a week easily a week and a half (just untill you see obvious signs of improvement and then do another straight water, but then start very very light! Spaceduck may be right but i don't think the pictures are clear enough. Honestly it sounds like a dead give away when u say nutes every water. The plant stores nutrients in itself, plus you dont ever completely leach the soil. I highly reccomend trying this! Plants usually take a week to recover and u gave it a light feeding your first day of supposed recovery, instead you were making it worse by adding more nutrients. flush please! And remember its good to let your soil dry out a decent amount between waterings. Like im talkin no moisture untill a solid inch or 2 from the top of the dirt. I see your pot is small, so u may have to water every day, but i really doubt it, im just throwing that out there. So flush it and from then on wait a day or so longer in between waterings than you have been doing (however long it takes the soil to dry noticably more). . Good luck! flush!


cool beans. thanks guys for all the inputs

I guess I said some misleading things. When I said "a steady stream of Fox Farm" I meant I have been giving them nutes every other day and watering everyday. I still am beginning this is too much. So I gave them the last flush tonight and they will be getting straight distilled for atleast a week. I sure hope I can salvage my first girl...

i'll keep you guys posted


Well-Known Member
Oh yea i forgot to add that if your plant does recover, then start your nutes 2 to 3 waterings in a row, then one plain water one watering. so your on a 3:1 cycle. Works better usually instead of giving it nutes everytime (almost always problems in soil). But for now flush and plain water untill it recovers.


Well-Known Member
You should be adding nutes like once a week. couple days between watering in normal, and not every watering even needs nutrients!


no change today, still look like balls

I flushed her tonight (cause I used nutes last nite) and they will now be getting plain water every other day

hope this can save my baby...:(


Well-Known Member
if you have given it nutes every feeding then next water do a flush. This time STOP ADDING NUTRIENTS. It sounds like you have been adding nutes in every water and that is a well accepted no no. You need to flush it again. Im telling u that after the soil is leached you will ONLY USE PLAIN WATER for easily a week easily a week and a half (just untill you see obvious signs of improvement and then do another straight water, but then start very very light! Spaceduck may be right but i don't think the pictures are clear enough. Honestly it sounds like a dead give away when u say nutes every water. The plant stores nutrients in itself, plus you dont ever completely leach the soil. I highly reccomend trying this! Plants usually take a week to recover and u gave it a light feeding your first day of supposed recovery, instead you were making it worse by adding more nutrients. flush please! And remember its good to let your soil dry out a decent amount between waterings. Like im talkin no moisture untill a solid inch or 2 from the top of the dirt. I see your pot is small, so u may have to water every day, but i really doubt it, im just throwing that out there. So flush it and from then on wait a day or so longer in between waterings than you have been doing (however long it takes the soil to dry noticably more). . Good luck! flush!
i agree whit this guy you do it and they will finnish for ya. and stop watering every day water every 3 days, let them dry out a bit. flush and let them sit. its good if you flush with some clearex solution that helps clean your roots. its for flushing. then slow down on nutes. hell it looks like them plant are nearing the end. you may get buy with flushing the next two weeks then str8 water for the last 2.
you want all nutes out for curing any way.


Well-Known Member
if you have given it nutes every feeding then next water do a flush. This time STOP ADDING NUTRIENTS. It sounds like you have been adding nutes in every water and that is a well accepted no no. You need to flush it again. Im telling u that after the soil is leached you will ONLY USE PLAIN WATER for easily a week easily a week and a half (just untill you see obvious signs of improvement and then do another straight water, but then start very very light! Spaceduck may be right but i don't think the pictures are clear enough. Honestly it sounds like a dead give away when u say nutes every water. The plant stores nutrients in itself, plus you dont ever completely leach the soil. I highly reccomend trying this! Plants usually take a week to recover and u gave it a light feeding your first day of supposed recovery, instead you were making it worse by adding more nutrients. flush please! And remember its good to let your soil dry out a decent amount between waterings. Like im talkin no moisture untill a solid inch or 2 from the top of the dirt. I see your pot is small, so u may have to water every day, but i really doubt it, im just throwing that out there. So flush it and from then on wait a day or so longer in between waterings than you have been doing (however long it takes the soil to dry noticably more). . Good luck! flush!

Your dead on Closetfather :hump:


thank you very much guys!

I am a noob on my first grow and I KNEW I would be stupid and do something like this... oh well i guess

I will do exactly what you guys say....more pics in a couple of days...


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear your using plain water keep it up u'll see a change for the better within 7 days i expect. and we repeat let it dry out in between watering. Like you can wait untill your pot is light when u pick it up. Have u ever seen your plant droop because u didnt water it for a few days? I expect not. I like to wait untill i see them begin to droop and from then on i know the maximum amount of days i should wait in between waterings. The best time to water is a little bit before the plant will droop. That maximizes the oxygen to the roots and you will see explosive growth if you have always had heavy (moist) soil, once you start letting it dry out more. Pick up your pot and get a feel for how heavy it is. It should be signifigantly lighter when its time for the next water. I repeat WAIT AS LONG AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT LETTING THE PLANT DROOP. I reccomend keeping a close eye on it and dont water it untill u see the first signs of drooping. The plant will not suffer from this test. Pick up the pot and feel how light it is. From now on you want to water when the pot feels JUST A LITTLE BIT heavier than when the plant drooped. Its easy once u get the hang of it and ull pick it up quick. It does seem like it would make sense that the soil needs to stay moist so the plant can live but in reality the plant is suffocating and needs air. good luck!


Well-Known Member
try putting sumthing under your pot to improve airflow.. to the dirt / roots. U could rig it a million ways a freaken metal hanger would work to lift the bottom of your pot off the floor..literally put the hanger flat on its side under the pot. Anything u can think of to allow air to pass under the pot will be beneficial to the plant.


So my plant look terrible still. I flushed her for the last time last night with 2 times as much water as the pot can hold. I put paper towels under the pot to collect water and they are nute SOAKED. I plan to not water her tonight or tomorrow night. This should allow some air back to the roots.

My clones are ALSO showing some signs of nute burn. I SUCK. I am flushing one of the girls tonight and the other tomorrow. I will leave them dry for a day or two.

Knowing that I did this to my babies plays with my head all day. I put hours upon hours on the grow chamber and the girls just to fuck it up like i did. I know that I am a stupid noob and will make mistake but god damn I feel terrible.. guess thats life...

pics on post below