Big girl has taken over


After my switch to aero, there are three ladies that have taken over the entire room.


My concern is that i have to tie the branches down so they wont get too close to the lights. Any trick so she doesn't break herself due to the weight of the flowers?

This plant is the last one grown in dirt, which the same clone as the amazons...

with the colas so large, and no where to put sticks, suspend from the roof?

tips, comments?


Well-Known Member
use string tie branches up to main beam and then tie out hooks hopefully will help if to heavy use ropes.


Well-Known Member
hey hero take a piece of fence and lay over top of them a scrog.. but its strong enough to hold the bud weight but light weight enough to be stapled to the walls.. update 012.jpg


Well-Known Member
or take fishing line and tie them up to the ceiling just make a few straight line from bud to ceiling so they dont fall over.. next time try the fence before they get massive fat fuckers like yours. like Budsworth said that's an issue we all want.. great job on the grow.. just watch for mold on those fat fuckers..