Big Exhaust Neccesary


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I'm growing on a super budget and I'm wondering if I can get away with sticking a small carbon-activated HEPA air purifier in my coat closet grow area to filter out the smell. It seems like the big air exhaust I see on here would be a little excessive for the small area I'm growing in. Thoughts and/or comments?



Well-Known Member
well you have to attach it to a fan to suck the air in the closet through the filter...


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks rx8man. So are you saying that I would have to attach an extra fan to the purifier (the purifier being the whole assembly including it's built in fan)?


Well-Known Member
I'm not really wanting to DIY...I really just kinda want some opinions about whether a purifier from Wal-Mart would work or not.

The purifier unit is "rated" for a 110 cu. ft. room; mine is 50.

The problem is that the rating is not in CFM so I don't know if the purifier will pull enough air to stop the smell from leaking underneath the closet door.

Maybe someone knows the CFM on a typical home air purifier unit (i.e. Honeywell)?