Big Buddah Cheese Grow


I'm growing six beautiful Big Buddah cheese clones in a 4 x 4 tent. Here is what I'm using & grow method.

Grow medium; Growing in canna terra professional soil with added perlite. Because the soil has added nutrients in I didn't have to use any nutes untill the third week of vegetation.

Light; 600 watt MH blue spectrum for veg. I'm adding another 600 watt HPS orange/red spectrum for flowering, I will keep the one MH blue spectrum for the first two weeks of flowering then change to HPS orange/red spectrum.

Base nutrient, Bio thrive organic veg & bloom.
For veg; base nute, magic green folair feed & superthrive when stressed from transplanting ect.
For flower, base nutes with dr hornby big bud weeks 2 to 4 bloombastic weeks 4 to 6 & top shooter for weeks 6 to 8. I will use these along side molasses, cal-mag & taste improver. I will then flush for one week ( maybe more if there not ready )

Airflow and fans; Using one intake fan that's bringing in a nice flow of fresh air & one oscillator fan. At the moment the oscillator fan is cooling the MH light as it gets extremely hot & the temperatures will rise in there. I'm also using a extractor fan which is bringing the hot air out of there & creating a nice amount of air flow.

Temperatures; I'm aiming for 78 lights on but at the moment its mid 80s, there's no sign of heat stress due to there being a nice amount of air circulation. Lights off the temperatures are falling to 68-70.

Grow method:

I had 8 clones but unfortunately two died due to the soil being to hot. The rest done amazing & took to the grow medium & conditions great. I'm using bottled water mixing a gallon of water with a PH of 6.2 with half a litre of bottled water at 7.2 which brings it slightly higher to around 6.5 as I broke my PH metre last week, I will be buying a new one before flowering! I have now introduced the base nutrient at 10-15 ml per gallon & there taking to it really well. My light schedule is 18/6 & I will veg for 6 to 8 weeks, when changing to 12/12 I will turn the lights off a hour early every day, this doesn't stress them so much. I topped them all at three weeks & again at five which has made them nice & bushy, there over a ft wide. I will flower them a week after I have transplanted them into there final 5 gallon pots hopefully be a size of 1.5 ft. I will keep posting pictures weekly showing you all how I get a long.

I wish I knew methods to train these plants to become more stronger but I will let nature do what it does best on this grow & learn more for next time.

I have a carbon filter I will use in flowering I'm wondering will it eliminate the smell from outside the tent?

Also, if anybody has had experience with BB cheese what yields did you get? My last grow several months ago which was my first one was a unknown cheese & I got 27 ounces off 8 plants under 1000 watts which I made a lot of mistakes ect but It still averaged just over 3oz per plant. Kept me in good supply for three months & I'm still smoking it now!