Big Bang / Big Buddha Cheese and a few other breeds


Well-Known Member
Hi RIU Have a project already in progress and thought i will make it available for all to enjoy. I was going to get a journal up and running from the start but better late than never.

Here is the setup and details;

1 x 400w HPS
1 x 400w MH
1 x 8inch Fan
1 x 4inch intake
1 x 4inch out take

(Soil Grow)

Nutes - Canna Vegg, Canna Flores, Canna Boost, Rhizotonic, PK 13/14

Strains - Big Bang / Big Buddha Cheese / Hash Plant

All of the Big Bangs and Big Buddha Cheeses are in week 5 of vegg and will be switched into 12/12 tomorrow, did have a few days of stunted growth with them as had a few heat issues in week 2 but all seems well now, the Hash Plants have just been cracked from seedlings and have been planted, so just waiting for them to pop through top of soil then will put them in on 12/12 streight away. Also took a few cuttings of the Big Bang and Big Buddha Cheese the other day so as soon as they have develoed their root system will repott and place them in also on 12/12.

Here is a few pics of the project so far -

Home made seedling / cutting box

Week 1

Week 2

Had a few heat issues this week was away for a few days and seems like they havent done much at all really.

Week 3

Seels like they have all shot up in Week 3 gave them all 0.5ml of rhizotonic and they seem to have shot up like no ones business.

Week 4

Gonna all be given their new homes today in a much bigger pott think they all deserve it have been a bit lazy with the re-pottin.

Day 1 of new potts

All starting to look very nice now, can tell that they had a little prob with the heat but really starting to pull round now.

Week 4.5

ok so they have all been in their new potts for nearly 3 days now and gave them all a full feed of canna Vegga mixed with some Rhizotonic and WOW. Results speak for itself they have shot up like mad, Starting to get a really fruity smell now when yuo enter the project room.

Here is the Big Bang -

Here is the BBC -

What a turn around :clap: Bravo :clap:

Week 5

ok well all has gone okish so far gave them all a nice flush at the start of week 5, have to say they have had a few growth sperts in the past week, not sure if its because of the full strengh feed or if its because i put in a duel spec CFL but gotta love them.

here are a few pics of them just as lights gone out, also just gave them a nice spray before bed so the dark green is really showing in these pics.

Big Buddha Cheese corner

Big Bang Corner

Looking great at mo

Well that it for now people, will be turning them to 12/12 from tommorrow so start of a new stage and hopefully a good one lol :leaf:

Stay tuned as will be updateing it on a weekly scale, also will get some pics of the Hash Plants as seedlings.

Let me know what you think people.




Active Member
Niiiiiiiiiiice lookin grow man ,will be checking this one out
I grew big bag last grow nice plant smells minty and I have 5 BBC waiting till after this grow
I,m jealous lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah keep taking a look in will update it soon with a few more pics of cutting and hash plant seedlings. Realy am getting a nice pong from the room now so should be getting a bit crazy a few weeks into flowering. Cant Wait :)

What did you yeild from your Big Bangs


Yo man plants look good, one thing about yoursoil.. doesnt look like there is any perlite in there. Have you had any issues with your soil not draining?


Well-Known Member
Yeah have had a small issue with them but did mix some in with the soil also just dont have any on the top, but go about 1/2 inch down and its seeable.

Should of added more tho i think as drainage was a issue not so much now tho.


Well-Known Member
Yeah decided to get things up on here now has been a while but glad to be back should be a good one also.


Well-Known Member
Flowering Week 1 day 1

Ok so decided to put the girls into 12/12 last night, gave them all a nice spray on the leafs before bed and changed timer. Also they had a nice top up of N a few days ago so that should also hold them for the flowering period also, just so i dont get no colour fade.

Right so here is a few pics of the First propper day of flowering,

Big Bang Top Shoot

Big Buddha Cheese Top Shoot

Heres one just after a little mist

Here is a few pics of the room with natural light only and no flash looks great and smells even better :eyesmoke:

Really am getting a strong pong when you open the door, cant wait to see what its like a few weeks into flowering. As you can see they are really coming on strong now, i would of liked them to be a bit more taller but we cant have everything our own ways.

Hope you like people let me know your thoughts :peace:


Well-Known Member
Have got a little issue i think, walked out to make a cup of T and saw that the lights was still on. They should of been turned off by the programed timer but was still running 15mins past the turn off time. Anyway i turned them off manualy and checked the timer and guess what, Its broke, That is 4 timers now that has gone on me just on this grow lol. Anyway back on point, After all that i thought i fixed the timer so i put it back on the wall socket and all of a suden the lights came on. They was only on for maybe 1-2 secs and then i quickly turned it off. Am starting to get worried now, This is the first time this has happened but have just turned them on 12/12 so hoping it hasent stressed them out to much.

All in all was about 1-2 sec of light let out during dark period. Does anyone think i might have a issue.

thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Yeah will get one, did a previous grow with one of these and didnt have 1 issue, have had a few issues with the timers i have used this time around.

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah anything not made to take the surge of electicity will fail in less than a week with a hid light, i must of gone through bout ten b4 i found these


Well-Known Member
To be honest that is bang on the money i have gone through about 4 normal timer a month lol. I know lol.

Have you ever smoked the BBC ?

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah i grew it once and only one seed i found it heavey on the afgan witch is what they used as a male to make the male for the cross. Real cheese aint got no afgani in it lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah true. Find the UK cheese to be more nice tho. Have heard of people getting the afghan pheno more than the cheese. Just hope my girls bend more towards the cheese lol :)


Active Member
Hey Primz,

I came by to check out your grow but I cant see the pics, maybe just a glitch in the site.... Hopefully it all
gets worked out so I can see what you have going on next time I stop in....

Sub'd up!


Active Member
I think it is a bug in the system, Im sure they are working on the system..... All attachments are gone right now.