big bang and bagseed grow 400 wt hps in argie


Well-Known Member
hey guys as usual lookin for your comments, feedback or advice. the plants were germinated on november 17th... right now i got them on flowering. i m wondering what else i can do to increase yield. oh and how much left you think theyve got, cuz the light bill is killing me! lol... cant wait! :weed: :joint:



Well-Known Member
so their under the 400 now, plants look really healthy, also how long since u started flower, from ur pic it looks like it still has 4-5 weeks left if not more it depends on the strain. u know what strains your growing


thats the thing, on dec 23 i put the 12 12 but with the 250 wt hps not sure if that counts, on jan 12th i bought the 400 one. should i count the flowering days from the 250 o 400? cuz it really grew when it got 400 watts. regardin strains i posted on the other journal one, the best one lol, is a big bang by greenhouse and the other is i thnk u call it bagseed?? please refer to the other journal. what should i do to increase yield? or is it goin well?
PS as soon as i harvest i m planning on putting the 400 back with the other 4 plants


Well-Known Member
so u want me to post in the other journal, and some people count the days of flower from the first signs of a flower, others start counting when the light cycle changes to 12/12, if i was u id count from the day u switched the lights thats what i do, and do u have 2 rooms or what im confused about the lighting and the different journal thing


Well-Known Member
lol its ok u can post wherever u want! yes i got two grow rooms! in my house with my boyfriend. dont be confused lol sorry if it s my fault i meant to say that on the other journal i told you about strains, sorry,
the first flowers really started to show when i switched to 400 watt thats why


Well-Known Member
lol its ok u can post wherever u want! yes i got two grow rooms! in my house with my boyfriend. dont be confused lol sorry if it s my fault i meant to say that on the other journal i told you about strains, sorry,
the first flowers really started to show when i switched to 400 watt thats why

didnt know u were a female thats cool, dont see to much girl growers, well usally when u switch to 12/12 the plant just stretches for abou the first 2 weeks, and then the strech slows and the buds start to form, id still count from day 1 of 12/12, and so ur vegging with the 250 and flowering under the 400 is that correct:weed:


Well-Known Member
didnt know u were a female thats cool, dont see to much girl growers, well usally when u switch to 12/12 the plant just stretches for abou the first 2 weeks, and then the strech slows and the buds start to form, id still count from day 1 of 12/12, and so ur vegging with the 250 and flowering under the 400 is that correct:weed:
YES! thats right. tho i cant take full credit for the grow. my partner he does most of the hard work... still its always easier to grow as a couple than individually ;-) that makes sense what u just said. i ll count from x mas time then... on greenhouse website it said commercially ready in 8 weeks but its better to give it a full 10


Well-Known Member
u should look into getting a 30xscope or better to check the trichomes to ensure that their trully ready


Well-Known Member
yes their is still awhile for them, to be finished, lookin forward to see the outcome of these plants


Well-Known Member

Not much I can say...:razz: other than that they look GREAT!!! :clap:

There is so much debate as to when to start counting... but the plants switches gradually.. there is no ONE DAY that flowering started... really...:razz:

And I tend to be a bit radical sometimes... but I TOTALLY IGNORE flowering times...

What I do instead is wait for FULL MATURITY... which can easily be spotted with the naked eye... if the bud is ready, chop it.. regardless of how many days have passed...

Would you harvest a green banana just cause the label said 90 days flowering time? or would you wait for the fruit to ripen?

so yeah... I wait for my buds to be mature... and then I harvest...

A really good thread on the subject is

Bets of luck... and see you around...:-P



Well-Known Member
haha you guys are awesome, as promised, i just woke up the ladies from their slumber (hmmm they did inspire me as you can see lol) thanks for your reply it means a lot to us, especially being so far away. here are the pics i just took. enjoy and comment!:clap: :weed:



Well-Known Member
pics are great and plants are doin awsome, u can defintly tell their 2 different strains,
yah, what i meant by hollow stem is actually that its real thin, could you see it from the pics? its like flat and thin which doesnt look normal to me..... hmmm well i ll keep posting as the grow develops
buenos humos!


Well-Known Member
Lookin good, really healthy! those look a little tall for a 400w though. Just keep in mind a 400w will penetrate the canopy about 18" well, a 600w is closer to 24 and a 1000w is almost 36, I believe. I'm planning on flowering at 6-8" this time because my plants were just huge after flowering and I ran outta space for the big ones. Looks like you have 4-5 weeks left I'm guessing? Patients is a virtue :lol:


Well-Known Member
yes patience IS a virtue... its cool now we cant see the stem!! its all buds man! the ladies are doing good, sleepin right now gypsy... i ll take some pics in a few hours when i wake them. BY the way they are all feminized... u may be skeptical lol but so far so good... anyway i ll post in a while...
buenos humos!