Big Apple Greenery


Well-Known Member
I will use this thread to log some data, share pictures, learn and have some laughs.

I have 6 fem Chocolate Skunk from Useful Seeds in nursery pots, they will be transplanted into 1 gal pots tomorrow and set into veg (18/6). Seeds were planted directly in pots on July 14th and have been on 24/0 since. The plan is to keep the best looking 4 plants out of the 6 and get them in the 4 x 4 flower tent, well before September ends.

Veg Setup: 2 x 4 tent, SF2000 light, 4" inline/carbon filter, 4" raxial intake, small clip fan, humidifier

Forgot to add: Using Promix HP, earthworm castings, perlite, insect frass, and top dressing with dr. earth's dry ferts

Any questions, comments, advice, tips, tricks, jokes, or smokes- please leave them here and have a great day!


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Update: 8/15

I selected the 4 plants with the strongest looking stems and biggest overall in growth to be transplanted into 1 gallon pots on 8/10. On 8/14 I added LST clips to each plant in about the middle of the main stalk. I understand I could have waited for this step but I was feeling froggy and went for it. I am having some pretty tight internodal spacing but is there such thing as too tight and squat? Height isn't a huge issue for me considering I typically use a trellis net or two. As always please provide any advice, feedback, tips, critiques, jokes are all warranted here. Have a great rest of the week!


So healthy looking & perfectly uniform in size. Clearly we're looking at a grower with experience. Subbin up for the updates ;-)

Also you keep mentioning smokes so...
I am having some pretty tight internodal spacing but is there such thing as too tight and squat?

How close is your light and what power is it on? When I started my plants, I had the same "issue" They had almost no spacing between nodes. It was so little I had problems getting scissors in to top a couple of them. I turned my light down to 50-60% and they immediately stretched a little bit, but remained very happy.
How close is your light and what power is it on? When I started my plants, I had the same "issue" They had almost no spacing between nodes. It was so little I had problems getting scissors in to top a couple of them. I turned my light down to 50-60% and they immediately stretched a little bit, but remained very happy.

They are getting about 400 ppfd at the canopy. I read that in the veg state they should get around that much but maybe I'll try raising the light a bit.
Update 8/21

I applied a couple of LST clips (Low Stress Training) to each of the 4 plants. Most recently after this last watering, (about a gallon between four 1 gallon pots), I added another LST clip to 3/4 plants to bend them down and encourage vertical growth through those early bud sites



that first pic was 5 hours ago...

. Love how that mug just said, "fuck it we're going higher!"

Yeah. I tied down and thinned out my Volcano Girl last night and went in there to check on them like an hour later and everything was already turned back up and you could barely tell I had spread everything out a little bit. Its crazy how fast they move and adapt.

Did you ever end up raising your light a little bit? Did you notice a difference?
Yeah. I tied down and thinned out my Volcano Girl last night and went in there to check on them like an hour later and everything was already turned back up and you could barely tell I had spread everything out a little bit. Its crazy how fast they move and adapt.

Did you ever end up raising your light a little bit? Did you notice a difference?

I raise them up 5 clicks on the ratchet each side while trying my best to maintain a 400-550 ppfd, so far so good!
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Update 9/6

It's been almost 2 weeks since the last post, here's some progress that's been made so far.... On Sept. 1st, I top dressed with 1 tbs of dr. earth tomato and veg and 1 tbs of dr. earths all purpose into 1 gal pots.

Sept. 4th, I gave them all a Lollipopping and defoliation. Believe it or not I plucked off an 11 finger fan leaf in a 1 gal pot- not sure if its rare but it was for me, holy cow the vegetaion!

After looking down in the dumps from defoliation and 4 days since their last watering, I knew I had to do something. Yesterday I gave them plain old dechlorinated water. I'm not ph-ing water this run as I hear hp promix will regulate on its own... I guess we'll find out! .... so I grabbed my watering can and filled it with dechlorinated NYC tap water and gave these mugs the business. SPLISH, SPLASH, SQUIRT! You should have seen the torrent of water escaping the nozzle and the rate at which the medium absorbed it. Like a castaway on a desert isle my hardy plants drank and fast! What a sight to see! Fast forward to today... I'm just sitting there thinking, "Why arent they growing so fast?" and then it hit me.... Transplant the motherfuckers! The roots need to search and scavenge more! And there you have it...

Today, transplanted into 3 gallon pots with some dynomyco fungi- 3 teaspoons per 3 gallon pot (1 tsp/per gal). Here they are in their new seats.... PPFD in the 600s, too high? Don't want to torch them.... Thanks for checking the thread out comments, critiques, advice, jokes, or even all of the above. Have a great rest of the week!

P.S. The last pic I'm showing a rust spot colored deficiency, turns out its only on 1 leaf of 1 plant.... any ideas?




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Update: 9/24

I brought the plants into the 4 x 4 tent as they were outgrowing the 2x4. Last time I topdressed with Dr. Earth's was Sept. 18th. I am going to veg them out for a couple more weeks then transplant to 7 gal pots and switch to flower. I think I was too aggressive with defoliation and that might have had something to do with the slow growth of a couple of plants. The plants are looking green and happy but I want to grow them bigger before flipping to flower. Also I want to take clones from these but there doesn't seem like any good places to make the cuts yet. Hopefully there is more growth soon.




Update: 10/4

Transplanted into 7 gals today, applied Dynomyco at the bottom of the rootzone, top dressed with Dr. Earth's Veg/ Dr. Earth's All Purpose, and finally a mulch layer. I'm about to water for the first time since Friday.... The transplant was a little dry and dusty but not too bad, definitely need a good watering now though....

I'm planning to flip to flower within the next week depending on when my trellis net arrives. Also, I'm thinking of taking clones but my plants have so few tops and kind of growing slow for some reason, it might hurt these plants.... I'm thinking even if I take 1 cutting from the little plant on the front left it will be a detriment.

Any advice is appreciated!



Update: October 15

Put another layer of trellis on these mugs- 8 days since flip to 12/12. So far so good but the best is yet to come!

My plan is to water tomorrow with molasses and watch these babes purr.

Excited to topdress with Dr. Earth's tomatoe/veg and introduce the almighty BLOOM nutes!





Update: October 28 (21 days since flip to 12/12)

I top dressed each 7 gallon pot with 4 tbs of dr. earth veg and 10 tbs of dr. earth's bloom when I watered on On Oct. 22nd. Since then, I watered on Oct. 26th and mixed in 1 tbs per gallon of Neptune's Harvest fish and seaweed fertilizer 2-3-1. I look forward to brewing a compost tea after my next watering.

The plants look pretty good so far. I did a solid defoliation today but nothing too crazy. I got rid of a lot of the big fan leaves and took before and after photos to compare the canopy. Also, the first sight of trichomes are becoming visible to the naked eye which is encouraging. If anyone has any tips, tricks, or advice for the flowering stage or anything at all please don't hesitate to drop some wisdom.

Have a great weekend everybody!

Pre defoliation



Post defoliation


Update: November 7 (31 days since flip to 12/12)

Since the last update I watered twice. I used mosquito dunks to treat the water both times to combat a bad fungus gnat problem but hey are still mucking about. The second time I watered I made a compost tea brewed with ewc, insect frass, molasses, humic acid, neptunes harvest fish and seaweed, azomite and kelp meal.... After I added the kelp meal I realized the seaweed from the fish and seaweed was kelp so in the future I might omit the powdered kelp in this recipe. Next time I brew a tea I will add in seabird guano for its high phosphorous content.

Tomorrow I'll be watering and top dressing in some dr. earth veg, dr. earth bloom and watering in with recharge.

I had some concerns of high humidity when the lights were off with temps at 72 and RH at 72! I added a dehumidifier to the lung room today so I'll monitor the humidity levels tonight. With lights on, temperature is 85 and RH is between 45-50 percent.

I took some more pictures this week. One other concern I had was that on a couple of the plants the colas are VERY leafy and its almost hard to see the buds in all that foliage. I'm worried they might not be getting any light from getting blocked by the leafage (Pics 2 and 4) .








Next update I'll try to remember to take pics with lights off. Thanks for stopping by, any advice is always appreciated. Have a great rest of the week!
New Grow 11/12 Strayfox Gardenz North Indian Kush Cake


Day 1 planted straight in, 7 fem seeds in nursery pots


2 x 4 veg tent. The plan is to pick the best 4 to transfer into 4 x 4 flower tent around January.


Watered over all with 20 oz of tap water and 3ml of clonex and then put a dome over it. Humidifier set to 70 percent RH.

hope not to water the 2x4 for another 7 or 8 days.

I also watered the 4 x4 tonight with plain water, next up is a compost tea with an emphasis on seabird guano.

Have a great weekend, Go Peireira!
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Update: 11/16 (40 days since flip to 12/12)

Since the last update on 11/7, I watered on 11/12, just plain water.

Today I gave them a full fledged compost tea- in a 5 gal bucket approx 4 gals of water the recipe went as follows: 2 cups earth worm castings, 4 tbs of molasses, 4 tbs of neptunes fish and seaweed, 1/2 tsp of humic acid, 2 tbs of azomite, 1 tbs of high phosphorous seabird guano (0-12-0).

I forgot to add recharge and a dash of kelp meal after brewing.... DOH!

My plan is to water next time with recharge and then the following watering do another feeding of dr, earth around day 50 since flip.

Here are several pictures to get an idea of where I'm at. Also, I added my first stake last week fore the first bud has flopped over!









