Biden Shanked The Progs


Well-Known Member
knew it.

Bernie Sanders wanted Labor Secretary which he hands down deserves for the coalition- reading between the lines and listening to the direct quote 'we have enough progs in my cabinet already and need to focus on those key seats in the House and Senate.

Rode hard and put away wet is what i'd say just happened to the prog wing.
while were at it change the fvcking record already; i'm tired of hearing how your dad lost his job and health insurance 100 years ago; how near and dear the issue is to your heart.

Glad to have you over Orange Man Bad, but Comma-la can't come fast enough.
knew it.

Bernie Sanders wanted Labor Secretary which he hands down deserves for the coalition- reading between the lines and listening to the direct quote 'we have enough progs in my cabinet already and need to focus on those key seats in the House and Senate.

Rode hard and put away wet is what i'd say just happened to the prog wing.
Id like to see that quote, because that is not what I have heard him say at all.

Also I couldn't find who Biden picked for Labor secretary and although you might not know it, Yellen is actually pretty progressive.

while were at it change the fvcking record already; i'm tired of hearing how your dad lost his job and health insurance 100 years ago; how near and dear the issue is to your heart.

Glad to have you over Orange Man Bad, but Comma-la can't come fast enough.
Yeah empathy is so over after the last 4 years.
I have zero expectations that anything good will come from a Biden presidency. He's the most milquetoast corporate Democrat around, BUT AT LEAST HE'S NOT TRUMP. I don't expect great things but I also don't think he will destroy the country, which Trump most assuredly would have given a second term. I also think Bernie is better off in the Senate. Trump is using his lame duck Presidency to tank the economy and destroy whatever standing we have left in the international community, so honestly none of this matters unless the Democrats win the Georgia runoffs. Unless they pass another massive stimulus bill to float our economy until the mass vaccine rollout, we're looking at another Great Depression, which seems to be what Trump and the Russian GOP Senate want-they know their voters are simpletons who would blame it on Biden despite all evidence to the contrary, setting themselves up for a "triumphant" return in 4 years.
I have zero expectations that anything good will come from a Biden presidency. He's the most milquetoast corporate Democrat around, BUT AT LEAST HE'S NOT TRUMP. I don't expect great things but I also don't think he will destroy the country, which Trump most assuredly would have given a second term. I also think Bernie is better off in the Senate. Trump is using his lame duck Presidency to tank the economy and destroy whatever standing we have left in the international community, so honestly none of this matters unless the Democrats win the Georgia runoffs. Unless they pass another massive stimulus bill to float our economy until the mass vaccine rollout, we're looking at another Great Depression, which seems to be what Trump and the Russian GOP Senate want-they know their voters are simpletons who would blame it on Biden despite all evidence to the contrary, setting themselves up for a "triumphant" return in 4 years.
This nation needs Democrats to win in 2022. Then again in 2024. Then by 2026 'progressives' can feel free to complain all they want if shit is not getting done.

The short-sightedness is astounding, you would think that they don't realize the 50 year climb to get to the point that there is finally one party working to be inclusive to 100% of the country, and that they need to hold power in DC for more than just 2 years every decade or so because they get trolled by the Republicans who just blew everything up on the way out the door.
I have zero expectations that anything good will come from a Biden presidency. He's the most milquetoast corporate Democrat around, BUT AT LEAST HE'S NOT TRUMP. I don't expect great things but I also don't think he will destroy the country, which Trump most assuredly would have given a second term. I also think Bernie is better off in the Senate. Trump is using his lame duck Presidency to tank the economy and destroy whatever standing we have left in the international community, so honestly none of this matters unless the Democrats win the Georgia runoffs. Unless they pass another massive stimulus bill to float our economy until the mass vaccine rollout, we're looking at another Great Depression, which seems to be what Trump and the Russian GOP Senate want-they know their voters are simpletons who would blame it on Biden despite all evidence to the contrary, setting themselves up for a "triumphant" return in 4 years.
I think his entire team apprehends the extreme danger the country is in now politically, they only won the popular vote by a small margin, lost ground in the house and we'll see about the senate. Recovery from Trump is the priority, but Trump revealed much about America and in spite Trump being the worst human on the planet, it was far too close for comfort. Joe has got several jobs to do and dealing with those who would burn down the country is a high priority, it is more than a real and present danger, it is an existential threat.
Id like to see that quote, because that is not what I have heard him say at all.

Also I couldn't find who Biden picked for Labor secretary and although you might not know it, Yellen is actually pretty progressive.

Yeah empathy is so over after the last 4 years.

the quote is and has been in my signature since he said it. scroll down?<shrug>
Id like to see that quote, because that is not what I have heard him say at all.

Also I couldn't find who Biden picked for Labor secretary and although you might not know it, Yellen is actually pretty progressive.

Yeah empathy is so over after the last 4 years.

well screen print went to screen grab in less than 4- so anything's possible, hanimmal.
knew it.

Bernie Sanders wanted Labor Secretary which he hands down deserves for the coalition- reading between the lines and listening to the direct quote 'we have enough progs in my cabinet already and need to focus on those key seats in the House and Senate.

Rode hard and put away wet is what i'd say just happened to the prog wing.
Why did you post that here? It's been said many times already.

In any case, Bernie isn't a Democrat.