bho shatter the first few attempts.


Active Member
well, I think I got her somewhat down.
I'm using an ablaze 3-gallon vac kit, ablaze 135 gram closed column extractor and an ablaze 9in heat pad.
On the first attempt, I blew 1.5oz of CPK trim and got 5.8g of wax with 2 cans of whip-it and a 30min soak time.
I stirred it into peanut butter after most of the butane was gone, put it on parchment paper, and stuck it into the vac chamber with a heating pad at 110 for 5 hours flipping it every hour until it stopped bubbling. it looked like this when done.20201031_184130.jpg
it didn't taste like there was any butane in it at all and all my friends seemed to like it so I made 2 more batches of it looking just like this. I noticed some darker areas and figured it might be plant matter getting threw so I tried freezing the trim overnight and only got 2.5g off the same product. so i tried freezing the butane only and got 4.2g. then I realized the mesh screen I got with my closed column is 150 micron and you want something between 50-20 micron so I cut a piece of a coffee filter to fit my rig and blew 2oz of some Premo trim at room temp. I got 15g of pure shatter with 3 cans and 8 hours in the heated vac chamber. if I am correct that's a 26% return is that normal with premo sugar trim?20201102_221137.jpg
I am still learning and I hope my next batch turns out even better.
We used to put a little piece of dry ice at the top of the chamber to avoid putting cans of butane in the freezer, doesn't take much at all