Beware AC Infinity if you buy from Amazon


Beware AC Infinity if you buy from Amazon
Bought the 6" fan & controller in September, added another clip on AC fan in November, worked great.
Added a 'plug controller' so the lights would be controlled too and the 69 controller 'glitched' out and will now not function properly. Everything was purchased thru Amazon and AC Infinity refuses to honor their warranty. Went back & forth with them, asking for 'more information', again and again leading to me getting screwed. Apparently they can just 'decide' you have zero warranty if you select the wrong vendor at AmazonAC infinity ass.jpg....who knew?
Almost $300 out of pocket and now I need to find another exhaust fan or spend a bunch on another controller(not happening) in the hope it does not fail...worked great for 4 months.
I heard 'good things' about their customer service yet when I needed that good customer service they chose to fuck me over. End of rant.
Did you delete the controller and fully reset? Is it the wifi version? The glitch I know of involves a smart plug and if you touch 'all ports' in the app, you lose control of functions until you delete and reinstall the controller.

Sorry about Amazon. Gotta avoid third party sellers.
Did you delete the controller and fully reset? Is it the wifi version? The glitch I know of involves a smart plug and if you touch 'all ports' in the app, you lose control of functions until you delete and reinstall the controller.

Sorry about Amazon. Gotta avoid third party sellers.
I reset it every way possible, no luck...the 'smart plug' killed it.
Live & learn, I've spent almost $500 on AC stuff since September, a mistake in retrospect.
I will go as far as to say beware of buying any electronic (or other) products on Amazon expecting them to be from the actual manufacturer unless sold directly by them. Anyone can sell on Amazon, I used to quite a bit. Problem is the Chinese OEM products for companies, then make the same product for anyone else willing to pay, and will put any name on it you want. Many of the Chinese companies even sell the products they make for major manufacturers themselves on Amazon. You can’t expect the real manufacturer to support 1000 fake products for every real one sold, they would be out of business in no time. Just an unfortunate fact of today’s market.
Nah man, their customer service is very good. Everyone has to have policies and procedures to follow, you just slipped into a crack in the coverage. It sucks but you can’t really blame them. If you had bought from an authorized seller and were within the timeframe of the warranty I guarantee they would have replaced the item. They did for me on a tent cover and I wasn’t even asking. Had just over a month left on the warranty, I emailed them asking if their was a solution to a zipper problem,that was most likely my fault,they asked me the details on the purchase, I provided that and a new tent cover(4x8)was in hand in a week. I bought from amazon,their “store”. Most of their products i’ve used are quality. Their trim scissors suck ass though lol.
I have to say, dealing directly AC Infinity on warranty issues isn't much better. I purchase a CloudForge T7 humidifier, along with a couple hundred dollars in fans, blowers, filters, etc. The sensor receptacle on the CloudForge T7 was broken and pushed in day one. I went through the warranty process and got nowhere. I needed the RH up quickly so I bought a second one. I called AC and got though to somebody eventually. He said he'd send a return process email and refund me for the second CloudForge. It never happened. After a couple more attempts, I just gave up. The first one still blows humidity, it just has no sensor or remote control function. I kept it for emergency backup.
The sensor receptacle on the CloudForge T7 was broken and pushed in day one. The first one still blows humidity, it just has no sensor or remote control function. I kept it for emergency backup.

I have the smaller one, and I use a controller to operate it, and that system uses the existing sensor that is plugged into the controller, not the humidifier.
One would think that the amount of AC infinity product available on amazon that AC infinity would be more vocal on this issue?