Better for young plants: Windowsill or 6000 lumens CFL


Active Member

I am stuck temporarily with 5 plants in solo cups. I will be moving them into my new stealthy dresser in 1 week. IMO, it's not really long enough to justify setting up a Rubbermaid etc... and even the $15 to do that would be a hardship because I just scraped by to pay f/l/sec on the new place. So I have been placing the cups on my windowsill (East at sunup and I move them to the south window in the afternoon). Not something I would want to do twice a day for the next 2 months, but it is fine for now. I have also set up a good old cardboard box with white interior, lit by 4 x 26w 5500K bulbs as an alternative. Around 3:00, my windows are no longer in full sunlight.

My questions are:

1.) I have read that the sun can produce around 10000 lumens in overcast weather. Does that mean that, when it is cloudy during the times that I would normally get direct sunlight, it is a still a better option than the 6000 lumens I'm getting from the CFLs?

2.)What about in the afternoon when I am not in direct sunlight: are they still getting reflected light from some source? As above, what is the point at which the cardboard box is the better option.

3.) Window open or closed. It's dry in my area, but I know movement from the breeze is beneficial to the plant

4.) Is there something I am not considering that is so significant that I should prefer the box to the sill at all times?