Best ways to transition into flowering?


Well-Known Member
i have been experimenting for awhile on that so far ive found switching to bloom nutes and hps 1 week before switching light cycle


Well-Known Member
I'm going to start flowering next week. I've heard people say they give the plant 3 days of darkness and I've heard just switching right away to 12/12. Also, are you supposed to water without newts a few days before flowering?

to be honest with you i would tend to leave the lights out for 24-36hrs before you turn the schedule over to 12/ well as starting your bloom nutes approximatley 7-10 days before you start the flowering process....

hope this helps you out any mate..


Well-Known Member
I am switching in one week and was about to clean my reservoirs and flush for a week then go 12/12. Are you guys seriously telling me to go from veg nutes to bloom nutes in a day or two no flushing is better? Wouldnt this shock the plant? Also Which is better, leaving it in the dark for 24 hours or going 12/12 right away when I go into flowering


Well-Known Member
I always just switch straight from 24/7 to 12/12.

Every way mentioned above probably works and it's just up to you to decide on how you want to do it.


Well-Known Member
I always just switch straight from 24/7 to 12/12.

Every way mentioned above probably works and it's just up to you to decide on how you want to do it.
I am running 18/6 now with a 600w hps. I am curious to try feeding maxibloom a week before light change to 12/12 and ill wait to use koolbloom when flowering starts.


Well-Known Member
I am switching in one week and was about to clean my reservoirs and flush for a week then go 12/12. Are you guys seriously telling me to go from veg nutes to bloom nutes in a day or two no flushing is better? Wouldnt this shock the plant? Also Which is better, leaving it in the dark for 24 hours or going 12/12 right away when I go into flowering

mate the decision is entirely yours ....but i wouldnt flush before you go into flowering because all you are going to do is deplete the plant of the food that you have been giving it so far...why do you want to starve the plant of nutrients at this vital time in its life? giving the plant the bloom nutes isnt going to put the plant into shock i promise:-P i would leave it 24-36 hrs because this is going to encourage the plant to switch into the flowering mode quicker as the plant is being "fooled" into thinking that the onset of winter solace is here......

hope this helps and makes sense to you coz im baked....



Well-Known Member
hahaha thanks bro! So fcking wierd i feel like this was a perfect time to post thhis topic cuz tonight i was going to start flushing them for a week! thx guys


Well-Known Member
hahaha thanks bro! So fcking wierd i feel like this was a perfect time to post thhis topic cuz tonight i was going to start flushing them for a week! thx guys
yea i just do a res change switch right too bloom nutes 1 or 2 weeks b4 flowering and it seemed to show sex faster than switching to bloom and 12\12 on the same day i usually run 18\6 then when lights come on i switch timer and give itanother 12 of darkness
Try your best to imitate nature. Lighting outside doesn't turn off for multiple days before the days get shorter. They just steadily get shorter. So just go ahead and transition into 12/12. It works great for me.

Also about the nutes: I wouldn't shift straight from veg to bloom. Go ahead and ease the transition by going 1/2 veg and 1/2 bloom once you start to notice the flowering happening. Next feeding, go 1/3 veg and 2/3 bloom. After that, go straight up bloom.