best way to water the plants outdoor (guerilla)


hello people!

i want to share with you a fantastic idiea how to save water and non-wory solution for these how growing guerilla outdoors!

I use BLUMAT "babysiter" for my plants!

this pice of clay absorb water from a water tank and releas it slowly. you don't need water pump for this! no electicity! just watertank!

my English is not so good - so i don't know how to explain how it work's but it's works great!

anyone how can explain it, please do it (:

you can ask my some questions and i'll try to give you answers!

pease out!



Well-Known Member
I have seen those kind of things in the usa (walmart about 15 yrs ago), with a tube to syphin water down to the ceramic cone to and down to the plant. It worked well indoor, but outdoor it couldnt keep up with the demands here. Maybe if you put about 4 per plant it would work better.