Best way to store pollen sacs?


Ive spent like an hour researching what the best way is to store pollen sacs and I havent really gotten anywhere. Most things Ive read are just telling you how to collect the pollen and dry it and use it after it's dried. But I want to know what's the best way to store after Ive gotten the pollen sacs dried out.

I'm trying to save the pollen for at least a month until my female plants are ready. I had some male purple widows that survived while the females didnt and I had to grow some more and while im waiting for them to grow up I need to store the pollen the males have made.

And how long can you store polllen for? does it go bad at some point?
plastic bag around base of your male, shake him well, pour the fallen pollen (haha i'm a poet and didnt know it) into a film canister and save for as long as you sure you'll lose or spill it before it goes bad. ;) just lightly brush the pollen onto a same strain female with a sterile tooth brush or what the F**k ever. warning but im sure you know keep that female away from any other grow.


Active Member
Store in a cool dry place. Also best to keep temp & humidity constant.

Put in seal-a-meal bag, and store in fridge is your best way to accomplish the above.

I just pulled a male, and wish I had saved the pollen.


Thanks alot. I've been keeping them in jars after they dried out up in a cabinet. I accidentally made the mistake of not letting the sacs dry before I put a lid on the jar and it all molded over. But I won't make that mistake again. Lol. But does anyone know if the pollen can lose it's potency after time? Cause I wanna store this pollen for at least 3 months.