Best way to spike my best friend with LSD?


Well-Known Member
My roommate has went sober, but still likes to trip every now and then. He's extremely stubborn and won't willingly take LSD just for the principle or something but he said it would be hilarious and he'd appreciate it if anyone were to spike him unknowingly so he would "have no choice". His motives are a little weird but I'm determined to spike him on Halloween. I know he doesn't work the next day or have classes so its perfect.

I bought 10 hits of this just great LSD last night,but since it was liquid I had no way of confidently storing it, so I just put it on smarties.

What are some ways I could spike him? I was thinking of crushing up the smartie and putting it in his punch or something.. But there has to be better ways I want to be stealthy. It'll just make it funnier.


Ursus marijanus
Please don't. The involuntary administration of a psychedelic is a crime as serious as rape imo. There is absolutely no humor in it. cn


Well-Known Member
Do not do it. Please. Let him choose. If anything goes wrong it will
All be on your shoulders.


Well-Known Member
The guy should have the strength of character to take it himself, the lightweight!...if you spike him his sub-conscience will,no doubt, point this out to him in no uncertain terms.
:shock:One F%$£er of a bad trip!:shock:
Then again, perhaps that's as valid a reason to spike him, as it is to not do so...:idea:


Well-Known Member
Not a good idea.

At all.

If you value your friendship with this individual, you would not allow them to consume a psychedelic against their will, or unprepared.

Let your friend decide on their own, and be their to lend a hand if needed.


Well-Known Member
No. If he isn't willing to take it there is a very real chance he could freak from it. Even if he has said he is ok with it.
I know the guys who hung out with the Pranksters and the Dead really hated it even after getting used to it. They loved dosing Pig and Uncle Bobo. There's tons of great banter in earlier shows where Bill Graham comes on stage trying to do something because he's tripping balls. It's been commercially released but if you can find Big Rock Pow Wow from 5/23/69 he's got a great one. And they do a sick Morning Dew.


New Member
Ever hear of the mindset before a trip ? Dosing someone like so will most likely become a bad trip , maybe not but it all depends on the Psychological state the person is in and emotions come into play when dealing with real LSD..25Mic is all I dosed with and it was the purest .. I have not experienced that though since Jerry Garcia walked on , oh I loved my friends on tour and the pages they mailed me at random


Well-Known Member
I mean he's experienced, and wants me to anyways. Ill just be like here's a smartie, eat it. He'll know what's up.

i spiked him before in a subway sandwich and he had a great time. It's just what he asked me to do.


Well-Known Member
Just get a bunch of smarties and start catching them in your mouth have him go at it too that will escalate to the across the room brobro game and after like two throw a special one his way he would be doing it himself


Well-Known Member
You don't dose your friends, you don't dose your enemies, you don't dose your pets.



Ursus marijanus
I mean he's experienced, and wants me to anyways. Ill just be like here's a smartie, eat it. He'll know what's up.

i spiked him before in a subway sandwich and he had a great time. It's just what he asked me to do.
You could always pretend you dosed him. Everybody wins. cn


Well-Known Member
Had a friend that was dosed at a party. He had very a little prior experience be the "prank". Ended up freaking out on his mom and brother when he got home. Ended up in a mental institution for a while immediately afterward. Not a good time. Tell your friend to stop being a pussy and to dose himself.


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine once offered me a glass of water, which ended up having a chunk of white paper in the bottom.
Also at allgood this year this chick gave me a glass of orange juice, which she said "tastes like electric sunshine" after i'd drank about half of it.
both times were awesome.