best way to keep rH down?


Active Member
i have a "semi-sealed" room that is 12x10x7 in size and i am having trouble keeping my rH down. i am in my second day of flowering and the min rH is about 56. i have a decent sized dehumidifier and 2 wall mount fans going 24/7. i also exhaust out the air during lights out but the exhaust is not on during lights on because of the co2 enrichment. are there any tips to make the rH lower? will more air flow help with the rH? (ie add another wall mount fan?)


Well-Known Member
With your exhaust fan on are you drawing humid air into the room? If the dehumidifier runs long enough it should keep the humidity down. Try not exhausting with the dehumidifier running and see what happens.


With your exhaust fan on are you drawing humid air into the room? If the dehumidifier runs long enough it should keep the humidity down. Try not exhausting with the dehumidifier running and see what happens.
cold air holds less moisture for instance...water at 5degrees will hold about 6 grams of moisture per m3,

by introducing cold air will lower the RH

warm air holds moisture so you need to get the warm air flowing over and away from the plants with the cold air beind introduced somewhere it wont cool the plants, perhaps fresh air supply towards the light? help cool the light also will lower it! get the warm air so it passes over the plants and leaves the room,then a new bunch is flowing.