best way to germinate


Active Member
just ordered some dutchpassion blueberry fems and barneys red diesel fems from attitude and was wondering whats the best way to germinate them


Active Member
can i put light on them when the taproot is out and i put them in soil? they havent busted out of soil yet... light or no light?


Well-Known Member
1. get 2 sheets of toilet paper
2. put seeds between the 2 sheets
3. dampen the sheets with a water spray
4. put in ziplock bag
5. dash it somewhere dark and warm room temperature
6. check on it daily
7. MAY take up to a week i believe...

South Texas

Well-Known Member
You want to germ, first. Then, I want females. Well, lets try to get 80% females which basically derives on how that baby is treated within the first 30 days of birth/sprouting. Each seed is NOT male or Female, but can dam sure be male if threatened. Rule #1. Survival. It can't function if it's fucking dead. Rule #2. It wants to reproduce. If that Baby is threated in anyway, where "it" does not have the needed care to fulfill a full term, buds, etc, the seed will revert back to survival, male, which pollinates faster than a female doing her heat process. So, popping the seed is easy. The afterwards is what needs to be planed. All that knowledge contained in one little seed. It's amazing. 4 lbs plus per seed is also amazing.
Take Note. Place in fridge once they come in for 24 to a week prior to Germing. This is a playing God trick. They think that they have been through a hard Winter, and when that warm water hits their ass, "It's time to rise & shine". To Boldly Go...". That's the soaking of the seeds, constant 80 degrees. They may sprout in 60 degrees, but we are talking the best of the best- Husbandry. I like the paper towel, washed of chems, in a zip lock bag. I place in a paper bag in an area that maintains 80 degrees. Once sprouted, I use 16 OZ cups with good soil. Reason, if that root system gets crowded, the new born feels threatened, and may decide to be a male. Cold water to water is a killer, heat the dam Babies bottle first. Etc. Hope this helped.