You don’t mean you put them in dirt ?Another germination thread with 6 different methods.........
The last time I was in a forest there were shot glasses, plastic baggies, heat mats, and paper towels laying all over the place.
Those damn cartels and their bro science...Another germination thread with 6 different methods.........
The last time I was in a forest there were shot glasses, plastic baggies, heat mats, and paper towels laying all over the place.
I agree By the time everyone I know soaks their seeds and then transfers them into towls and what not, I've already got heads popping upI post this germ guide a lot because the information is on point, no nonsense:
Keep them warm-shoot for 80 degrees, 24/7. Direct to media, moist not wet...they will pop in no time
If they're in the actual growing medium when they sprout, they'll do well...who knows how many seeds fail by not being planted directly?...sometimes with old seeds, even though they sprout fine, they will not make it out of the shell before dying or rotting,