I need to know the best lab test method for germination.. A method that a noob can use and never break the tap root or run into problems .. I have been tasked with finding the 100% fool proof method to get 100% germination.. The problem with the paper towel method is that the taproot is very fragile and it's no guarantee you won't damage it when planting.. Same goes for the pre soak method except if you soak for 8 hours then into jiffy before the taproot pops it seem like the fool proof method?.. Any advice.. If there's already a journal with all this info please point me to its direction
thanks guys
The way you are going to start your seed or clones for that matter, depends on the media or system you will use to grow the adult plants...
I.e. it is better to root or germinate in a similar medium.... i.e. coco, soil, or hydro so that you grow the appropriate type of roots from the start.
I would say if you are planting in soil or coco, to moisten it before use, plant your seed, then cover the top of the pot with cling wrap and a rubber band so it doesn't dry out.
Never disturb the soil looking for a seedling's progress. The moment you start scratching in the pot is when you break off the taproot. It can take even 10 days for the seed to come out if it is cold. Be patient. In winter I just put one tablespoon of water over the spot the seed is in every morning.
I take it you are looking at ordering seeds. Prices are stupid hey?