Best way to dry in attic?


Active Member
I have to use an attic to dry my buds, but that should still be a few weeks away. Right now the attic is HOT and humid, so I'm hoping by mid october it will be better. But what do you think would be the best way to dry my crop up there? So far I plan to use a cardboard box with holes or slits, and have a fan a few feet away blowing on it. Do you think this would control the humidity enough? Would it overdry my buds?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
You will need to monitor temps and humidity closely or risk losing them to mold or brittle dryness. It sounds like that is going to be a challenge. I also use the box method. It works great, but they can finish suddenly so you have to check them often when they are close to ready to go to cure.


Active Member
I guess I should pick up one of those temp/humidity readers from wallyworld. How many holes or slits should I put in the box if I'm gonna have a fan goin? I really don't want to overdry or underdry.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, hey Bill. dAs you have noticed, most of the year attics are fookin HOT! I used to have a litle pad up there, nice tv and such for having a toke, then summer came :lol:

Unfortunately, unless it's well insulated, it is going to get WAY too cold up there during the night in winter, so you'd need some sort of cabinet with some enviromental controls such as a heater on a thermostat etc. I'm still trying to work out a good drying place for my stuff, as i keep expanding i keep adding plants to my previous drying areas, might have to resort to a long low drying rack that i can slide under my bed. (smell is the issue though isn't it).


Active Member
yeah smell is the definite issue, and it's at my best friends house and he only feels comfortable doing it up there. I'm not too concerned about it being cold since in mid-october its usually in the 70s during day and maybe in the low 50s at night, but I figure the attic should keep some of the daytime heat insulated thru the night to where it shouldn't be too much an issue. i'm really just concerned about how muggy its gonna be up there cuz right now you can hardly breath. he has a fan with 3 different settings and I'm just trying to figure out the best scenario to where I don't get mold but I also won't dry it out in 2-3 days.


Active Member
oh and if I get the damprid and put it in the box, would I even need the fan? it's supposed to suck up a lot of moisture...


Active Member
ok cool...feelin a lot better now about the whole moisture thing. what size holes should I put in? just jam a screwdriver through in a bunch of places?


Active Member
get a hydrometer and temp meter usually around $15-$20.00, and at least something to move some air around in there you dont want any stagnant air and keep a close eye on them.

edit: i didnt read the previous post's haha should have


Active Member
i would put a few fans up there to keep the air constantly moving..most attics have some kind of vent on the roof, try to put a fan next to that so it sucks the attic air and blows it out that vent....either way I THINK it would be way too humid up there durring the day, is it possible for you to buy a small dehumidifyer..?

if your using the attic because your worryed about the smell, you neibors are gonna smell it way more with it being in the attic than it being in a room of the house!!!