best way to buy seeds online


Active Member
Just wondering some ways to get seeds online with out the pigmen comin to my door ,i have heard bout gettin pre-paid credit cards not sure how that works,po boxes dont you have to show ID,any ideas please let me know,dont really wanna send them to my house:?:


Well-Known Member
I just ordered with my debit to my house and im in PA.I never had problems.
I recommend reading the sites FAQ for the future.You can learn allot from it.


Active Member
Let me save you from tons of hassels bro...
Step 1.) Buy the SILVER VISA GIFT CARD ($100, will cover many seeds as you can't usually use more than one card per order)
Step 2.) Go to either The Attitude or Seed Boutique (TRUST ME!)
Step 3.) And here is where it gets tough... You will have to "register" the gift card online. If you want to be safe have them shipped to ANYWHERE but your house and make sure you register the gift card to THAT ADDY before you order! PO Boxes are not safe dude and UPS Stores are not much better. There are cameras everywhere and you still have to give info to get a box. Have it sent to someone else you trust. If you get hung up at customs you will get a notice to come pick up your parcel. This would not be your smartest moment going to get your contraband from customs.
That will keep you as safe as it gets...
Good Luck!


Active Member
i just use my debit card and order them straight to my door. never had a problem :)

He said, "with out the pigmen comin to my door"... Seed orders on your card will not look good in court or if they are ever on to you and take the time to look... IR Choppers, nosy neighbors/Smell and Card Transactions best ways to end up :wall: in the county for an indoor garden. If you live where it's legal or "getting" there or whatever great, but here in the real world people are still getting locked up for "Cultivating" and depending on where you are they don't fuck around about! Sorry man but not good advice?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i live in a country where you get locked up...

and as i say, i've had no attention that i've noticed, and due to where i live, i'd notice. we get the chopper in the sky, nowt has happened. and it's been rather a long time since that first seed purchase.

i ordered with my debit card, the name of the company goes through the bank as something totally different. they're gonna look at your credit history after you've been caught, or have enough suspicion or whatnot, and at that point, whether they find a transaction linking seeds to you or not, they'll have enough "warrant material" to just knock the door down and not bother with the seed order in the first place.. the police are not allowed to jsut go around searching any persons credit card hsitory because why not. there has to be cause to search it.

and you'll see i'm not the only one saying that they've done it just fine.

by all means use the pre-paid gift card method, it is undoubtebly safer, but that's not to say just buying the things as is, is not safe in it's own right. (not failproof safe, but you're not talking like a 75% gamble on you getting them without undue attention)


Active Member
To be fair, it's not illegal to buy or have seeds. You're gonna have to draw a lot more attention to yourself to get them at your door... plus like was mentioned, it's not like they are monitoring your random purchases.


Misguided Angel
I have ordered using my debit card, credit card, cash, money order, you name it and I have never had a problem. The cops are not gonna stake out your mail box to arrest you for a couple of marijuana seeds. Worst case you get a letter from customs stating that you tried to bring an illegal item into the country and it has been confiscated. But if you are that paranoid just use cash, no paper trail.


Active Member
I have ordered using my debit card, credit card, cash, money order, you name it and I have never had a problem. The cops are not gonna stake out your mail box to arrest you for a couple of marijuana seeds. Worst case you get a letter from customs stating that you tried to bring an illegal item into the country and it has been confiscated. But if you are that paranoid just use cash, no paper trail.

Ever hear the saying "Rather be safe than sorry"? Seed orders to your grow room fellas is a sure fire way for LEO to get a search warrant. BTW, what I said if you read it correctly was if they were "Already on to you"... Why do you think those companies take the security measures they do? If it were just legal and good to go? It's not! "Acquisition of live cannabis seeds is illegal in the United States" says right in the disclaimers.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ever hear the saying "Rather be safe than sorry"? Seed orders to your grow room fellas is a sure fire way for LEO to get a search warrant. BTW, what I said if you read it correctly was if they were "Already on to you"... Why do you think those companies take the security measures they do? If it were just legal and good to go? It's not! "Acquisition of live cannabis seeds is illegal in the United States" says right in the disclaimers.
if we're going on better safe than sorry why
are we growing? :lol:

when the police are already onto you it doesn't matter how you disguise your orders. they'll be knocking on your door with a warrant before they bother going through all your bank details, as they'd already have enough info in the first place to warrant being able to search your bank records. in which case it's already too late.

whatever though, more people are saying you'll be just fine than not but whatever you wish to do


Well-Known Member
go to seed and strain revue and go to speedy seedz.or go to his site. he is a sponsor of RIU and you can talk to him on here. good luck getting anyone from the tude to even respond.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
oh god, i havn't had soma's lavender since i was in the amsterday, i didn't find it the strongest hitting but oh my god, just the smell, oh the smelll! :)


Well-Known Member
i have asked this question before, and answered it too(kind of), there is no perfect answer

if you don't send to your grow address, then you're probably sending to a friend's house
what's the #1 rule of growing? tell no one!
shipping to another location usually means some else knows about your grow
or if you're doing it without informing the recipient(i have seen this done), there is still an arrow pointing to you, or at least the suspicion
and if someone thinks you've been doing this to them, they may be very glad to rat you out

in my opinion, it's a case by case deal, you have to judge which is the lower risk
in some states, sending to your grow is dangerous, no question about it
in others, a lot less

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
if you want to send to a friends house, just time the delivery for a period when you'll be out and just tell him that you've an important letter in the post that you're not going to be around to sign for.


Misguided Angel
Personally I would not send it to a friends house claiming it is a letter, anyone who would do that to someone is not their friend. If you don't have the balls to take responsibility for your self than maybe stick to the legal life.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
as i've said, i send to myelf, but i'd have no trouble sending to a friend with a false excuse. i don't care how close someone is to me, they don't get to know about my plants! i put a lot of work into making sure i don't let it slip in even the smallest ways.

people are not as dumb as they seem, i can sometimes get carried away in my excitement of what strain we're smoking and yap a bit about it, suddenly theyy're asking how i managed to get such a good deal of primo stuff where from and how i know so much and then i sometimes have to wiggle my way out of a bad spot. i don't care how close they are, unless they're a grower etc, then they don't need to know. i don't really know a friend who keeps secrets secrets once they're on a fender bender with the booze, people will say anything! me an my previous flatmate were at the pub and were sat in a teeming beer garden smoking some joints and people would keep walking over offering beer from their pitcher for a toke or few, my friend was more than ready to say that it was white widow, and did so to everyone, even though it wasn't, people like to brag about just how good their grade is.

drifted off topic a bit there, what can i say, my grades the best ;) haha, if only :(


Misguided Angel
I'm not saying to let your friends know you're growing , I'm just saying that sending something illegal to your friends house without ther knowledge is a chicken shit move. I agree totally about keeping your mouth shut. I think everyone likes to think their grade is the best haha.