Best Way To Avoid Bud Rot


Well-Known Member
what is a good way to kill bud rot or to prevent it in plants during outdoor grows? i had to harvest early due to rot on my last plant :(


Well-Known Member
The very first decision for your grow is the most important.

"What seeds / genetics will be grown"

Sativa's can be mold resistant because the buds are very wispy.

An Indica however will be very dense and will be more prone to mold.

I live in an area where I have to stick to early flowering Indica's so I have to put up with the mold.

This year I tried to spray with a Sodium Bicarbonate mold prevention mix. But it rained non stop for the next 7 days because of the hurricane Ike and I got alot of mold.

As soon as I saw the mold I went out and bought a commercial anti fungal spray. I cut away all the moldy spot and treated the infected plants with the spray.

I think it helped for a few of those rainy days but it just got washed off and later more mold showed up.


Well-Known Member
put up a cheap carport over the plant in the rainy season

ive herd somthin bout spraying with h202 but not sure


Well-Known Member
if the plants are in the ground... Get an industrial fan on them asap....

I've noticed that buds act as natural cups to hold the moisture :( Need to dry them out asap

I go potted soil in the short season so I can move them when it rains ....


Well-Known Member
If you can bring them in at night do so and put a fan on them. Also try to construct a small greenhouse/tarp to cover them when it rains. Airflow is way important.



Well-Known Member
You mean with a blow dryer? If you are gonna use the heat.. make sure you are at least 18" away from them.. The heated air will be much drier so that will be good... you just don't want it too hot on your buds..


Well-Known Member
Cut away the rotted stuff, plus a few more inches. That rot likes to set in to the stem as well. If possible, clean up the scissors between cuts, keep that rot confined. Lost a lot this past fall...


Well-Known Member
safers 3-in1 or way I've come across yet for outdoor guerilla plants is to do your best in pre-care with safer's or serenade...and just keep it up thru till 2 weeks before harvest so theres no spray on your buds...that and shake the water off of them after it rains...i'm in the same sitch I got 16 large girls outside yeilding about 1-2lbs a peice and it's been very humid and rainy lately tho im not far into flower I'm doing all the pre-care that I can to prevent it from even starting...including spraying all the plants around my MJ plants as well..

good luck..bud rot is just a part of growing and it's better or worse year to year...everyone hates it but theres not much you can do about nature


Well-Known Member
Silica is supposed to also help a lot. I have been using it every other watering. Helps for bugs as well and makes the plants stronger / less likely to break branches.


Well-Known Member
Im gonna spray one of my plants with em1 and see if it comes out more resistant than the others. Hoping all this rain doesn't mess up my girls.