Best Time To Mess With Your Plants


New Member
Before I started growing, I read an article that said the best time to mess (transplant, move around etc) around with plants is during their night. In the dark.

We tried it this way at first, with the first transplant and it was a complete nightmare.

So on the second transplant we did it not long after lights on. It was much easier and the plants didn't seem to suffer. Of course, when transplanting the rooted soil must be dry to ease the transfer and sufferance of the roots, so after transplant we gave them a goody drink. Like I say, it really didn't seem to bother them any.

Interested in when other growers mess with their plants. From the point of view of the plant, night or day?

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
I do all my stuff in the day time. Pretty much when ever I end up having time to mess with it. As long as you dont mess with the roots too much and water afterwards you shouldnt have any problems. Im not too sure if the cycle matters. But I would think it would be better if the lights are on immediately after the transplant, so the plant can start the repair process.


Well-Known Member
U starting ure next crop already then skunk? or did u just wonder about it and posted a thread?