Best Sunshine Mix# for Marijuana


Active Member
I just want to see what some of the opinons are out there. I know Sunshine #4 seems to be the norm. But has anyone had success with other #'s. I heard of a guy that uses the #7 and has good results, but #7 has some water retaning gel in it not sure if that would be a good idea or not.

I also heard that cutting it with perlite is a must. Is that true? any help would be apprecated:lol:


I just want to see what some of the opinons are out there. I know Sunshine #4 seems to be the norm. But has anyone had success with other #'s. I heard of a guy that uses the #7 and has good results, but #7 has some water retaning gel in it not sure if that would be a good idea or not.

I also heard that cutting it with perlite is a must. Is that true? any help would be apprecated:lol:

I cannot weigh in on the sunshine mix #7 since I have never used it. But the sunshine #4 has been nice to me.

If I had to venture an educated opinion, I think marijuana being a rather dry-loving plant in soil/soiless mediums, I would steer clear of water retaining partical. The whole idea of peat-based mixes is to maximize air to the roots and that is best done through frequent wet/dry cycles. In past grows, my flowering plants in 2 gallon buckets took 1 week to dry up a little after an average watering. Now, I water every 3-4 days and my plants yield better.