Best stoner music? I vote dub / 70's reggae


Active Member
Wondering what people like listening to when baked and ticklish in the ears and brain.

Butthole Surfers used to be great, as were Led Zeppelin and The Doors and Pink Floyd, but I've played them out a bit.

Dabbled in techno and drum n bass.

But the best mainstay stoner music I listen to is dub reggae, 70's / 80's reggae
The new stuff is too dancehall
I like stoner/doom metal, punk, 90's alt-rock, some indie rock, alt-country, classic rock, classic outlaw country, ska, etc. I've been smoking ganja for 27 years, and an avid music lover all of my life, and I think that the best stoner music is whatever music I want to listen to when I'm stoned. The idea that one type of music is better than the other is an entirely too narrow-minded approach, in my honest opinion. It removes individuality and spontaneity from the equation. For what it's worth, I enjoy some old school reggae upon occasion... when the mood strikes. I literally despise modern dubstep.
All music but my favorites are bob (naturally) slightly stoopid sublime the expendables rebelution Florida Georgia line and some ol hank jr
I like stoner/doom metal, punk, 90's alt-rock, some indie rock, alt-country, classic rock, classic outlaw country, ska, etc. I've been smoking ganja for 27 years, and an avid music lover all of my life, and I think that the best stoner music is whatever music I want to listen to when I'm stoned. The idea that one type of music is better than the other is an entirely too narrow-minded approach, in my honest opinion. It removes individuality and spontaneity from the equation. For what it's worth, I enjoy some old school reggae upon occasion... when the mood strikes. I literally despise modern dubstep.

Right on! Music is not a can of soup, to be labelled and put on a shelf as a consumable. I really dislike the 'stoner' label when talking about music. I've been in the music biz since I was 13, and trust me, if it isn't a 'stoner' making it, it is a coke-head. Or a drunk, or an acid-freak etc etc. Musicians like getting high, period, LOL.
I often smoke to come DOWN from a pure music high. Pretty much anything can get me excited if it's good. I get so pumped-up I want to run straight through a bloody wall while grinning like a maniac.

Dubstep is DUMB. Wubwubwubwubwubwubledee wuuuubwubwubwub. And I must admit to never having been bitten by the Reggae bug whatsoever. It's pretty primitive stuff. Then again, I'm a die-hard Sublime fan so go figure LOL
Wasn't looking to define the genre of stoner music. Just share what music we find appealing when stoned. I despise dubstep as well, in general, but find some trance good, if it doesnbt get too repetitive. Butthole Surfers played some psychedelic stuff. Sublime is a little too silly for me. The old reggae, its nice and simple and catchy - I like the echoes.
"Best" was perhaps just bad wording, "favorite" would of worked better.

Never could get into zeppelin myself they do nothing for me
i do still like Pink Floyd on occasion, Floyd was obligatory when i was growing up
I am stoned more often than not and i always have music playing in at least 1 room or another in my house
i like virtually all types of music, apart from techno and country which i mostly cant stand

i find myself mostly liking alternative rock/ indie rock from the 90s (radiohead grandaddy nirvana
and also a fair bit of house/garage/trance music, some rap music but not so keen
i prefer the breakbeat oldskool hip-hop than todays rap

also going through a phase of liking 60s 70s pop stuff like the Kinks
lots of bass that is a good start, but i do like it to be rhythmical (breakbeat) rather than a series of random noises like (techno) lol
dubstep is bad i agree but it could be worse .. country !

peace music lovers :)