Best soil to use in uk


Well-Known Member
Ok so after my previuos 2 attempts didnt go to well , both either ended up with p lockout out or n defiency , ive decided to give it a go with some decent soil as the last soil i used was just basic sh!tty soil.
Im going to be growing autos, so and advice on soil and which nutes to use with soil appreciated, and also if nutes are going to be needed in veg as will there be enough nutes in veg for the short veg of an auto or will more needed to be added , please bare in mind im in the uk so fox farm soil isnt available.

The 2 ive been lookin at are bio bizz all mix but ive heard more perlite is needed to be added and another called plagron.

tia for any advice.


all mix is good. thats what i use but im not really a huge fan of the biobizz light mix. i plan on growing with coco next grow. also good nutes to usewith all mix is bio bizz bloom but im not a fan of topmax which is an additive for bloom, it always burns my plants tho. B&Q should be fine for getting soil, i wouldnt really want to buy soil of ebay, postage must cost quite a bit. anyways good luck with your grow


Well-Known Member
a good soiless mix works great you can control all the nutes so you can adjust ferts more acurately as the soil has no nutrients and it works great I use pro mix with mycorrizae added its not much more and its good for your roots cheaper than bio bizz I'm sure and you don't know just how much nutes your giving them without gadgets but if you want organic thats the way to go I would atleast pump out one good chemical grow a little less expirience required plus you get damn good weed as long as you use good fertilizers and watch your ph
and the shipping cost a lot for soil its heavy nutes are fine on ebay but some sites are cheaper


Well-Known Member

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
If your new to growing and still having probs I would deffo go with the bio-bizz line up, soil (all mix) If you want to use the plagron light mix for atarting out with your seedlings/cuttings that will also help as it has very little in the way of nutes so burning won't be a prob in your little starter pots.
regarding the bio-bizz nutes they're idiot proof mate start low and work your way up, grow in veg and bloom in flower with topmax if you like I've run without it and done fine, well better than fine!!! I use a small amount of grow all the way through with bloom and topmax and have had some great yields and the flavour of soil can't be compared to coco as coco doesn't come close, I've run a side by side and the difference was massive in flavour, the coco did yield slightly better though.
My vote would be go with bio-bizz as it is harder to make mistakes and when you do it's organic ferts and won't fry your crop over night.
I've also played about with adding perlite to both plagron and bio-bizz and can honestly say you can do without it, both soils will work well straight out of the bag. IMO it doesn't get any simpler than bio-bizz so if your struggling with that it might be time to do some more homework and see what other areas can be improved on.