Best smelling cured buds?


Active Member
Some varieties loose their fragrances kindof fast. Some varieties have resilient aromas which smell like coffee-shop weed even though it was cured the same as weed which smells grassy. Can you advise me for some varieties that retain an awesome aroma for months after the cure? Cheese?


Well-Known Member
I've had some strains with very little smell and taste. Others very fragrant. I have a copchem x tangerine peel that will out smell anything. Slh is another. But no doubt heat and other things can reduce the smell. But some just suck no matter what.


Well-Known Member
It's all in the growing method.. Hydroponic puts worthless delicate aromas into the atmosphere. Organic produces fatty acids that are perpetually broke down via heat oxygen enzymes and microbes throughout the cure, up until the 3 year mark.

PS smell and flavor are two seperate things,but with quality herb you can always tell, they are always related. Lots of hydro has a smell and no flavors to match. Dont let hydro growers convince you that taste buds are a myth. They aren't. I'd rather have herb with zero smell and it's natural sugary/tart/spicy flavor than a stupid aroma and no flavor. Lots of dumb people think they can spray sweetners and fruit juices on their bud and call it a day, thanks to all the hydroponic snake oils getting so out of hand and no one letting these gullible kids know they are growing plastic trash.


Well-Known Member
You want to grow chems diesels ogs, baby shits, cat pisses, anything that smells like weed aka "good versions of the world's most notorious smells". This is expired blueberry bubblegum cereal water smelling Cali tourism shit is a joke no matter how it's grown. Reggie for soccer moms.