Best place to post a petition


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I want to post a petition and I am looking for the best spot to get the most attention. We only need one major player in the msm to pick it up and we may just get results.
The only one I can think of is is this the best, or are there other ways? It wouldn't hurt to send it to your MP, too. I'm tired of waiting...let's force them to do something.

Dear Mr. Trudeau,

I am writing to request that you intervene in the governments' war against medical marijuana patients.

While the media is full of stories related to your promise to legalize marijuana for recreational use, your government continues to appeal the injunction granting patients the right to grow their own plants.

It is extremely insulting and disheartening for sick people to hear that their governments' priority is not ensuring medical need, but rather recreational wants and financial opportunities for the producers. Despite emails to the new health minister regarding this issue, I have not received a response.

The MMPR, brought in to replace the MMAR, is not affordable or consistent, and therefore is not meeting the requirement of providing reasonable access to those needing it. The injunction only covered a portion of affected patients, leaving a vast number of sick people to go without medicine, break the law or revert back to taxpayer funded pharmaceuticals. Those who retained their right to grow, lost their right to change addresses or adjust plant counts or even carry a full months prescription.

An article out yesterday in the National Post: (

illustrates and enforces the common perception that the entire MMPR was brought about to create a system of licensed, regulated producers in preparation for recreational sales, and that the patient was the captive 'guinea pig' in this experiment. The article talks about flavour infused oils and chocolate, and references the popularity of these items on recreational markets in legal US states. It goes so far as to suggest reopening tours of the plant. While that might be of interest for the new or occasional recreational user, most patients are not interested in flavoured marijuana products nor are they interested in touring the plant. Patients are often disabled and on limited income, so cannot afford anything these companies produce. There are not busloads of people touring Pfizer or Tylenol to see how their medications are made, or demanding they get pain killers in the form of chocolate, so the only reason for Tweed to be going in that direction is to serve the recreational market.

I am asking you to immediately drop the Health Canada appeal of the injunction, as Judge Phelan does not seem like he is prepared to rule, and reinstate the mmar, in it's entirety. Patients need and deserve the right to grow their own plants, for their own use without the risk of arrest, have somebody do that for them, or purchase from a licensed grower. With the impending legalization, it is absolutely ridiculous to continue to enforce a Stephen Harper imposed ban on medical gardens.