Best outdoor marijuana seeds and mixtures?

I plan on starting my seeds straight up outdoor. What are some good seed types you can tell me about/ Also what is femenized do you reccommed it? And whats some good mixtures i can put in the soil to help it grow other then miracle grow and perlite?
You're basically asking "how do I grow cannabis outdoors". It would take a small book to answer all of those questions properly.

When choosing an outdoor strain the things you need to think about are

- How long to harvest at your lattitude
- How hardy the strain is
- How tall it is, you may not want a 6ft Sativa if you want to keep your grow stealthy
- potential yield and potency of the strain

In terms of nutrients. You can spend hundreds or just a few quid, IMHO even the cheapest nutes do the job if you know what you're doing .

For an outdoor grower feminized seed isn't a priority. Just plant 10 and pull out the males when they show. Feminized seeds are really for indoor growers with restricted space.

Welcome to the wonderful world of cannabis cultivation.