best outdoor flowering nutrients???


Well-Known Member
Most "nutrients" are designed for hydroponics. Stick with compost, meals, and manures. Growing organically doesn't require special brands and it delivers a lot better results.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Dudes got a point. But if you're not going to be organic, I like pure blend pro in soil. That and kelp work just fine.
In hydro i like dynagro


Active Member
Earth juice bloom with their Catalyst is supposed to be good, and its organic.... im using fox farm and some jamaican bat guano but will be trying earth juice full line next year


Well-Known Member
if you really lazy and want to go to home depot or something, check out Epsoma and/or Jonathon green. Both organic and have kickass stuff in them


Well-Known Member
Alaska's Fish Fertilizer and MorBloom are great products. I've used them myself and my plants did great with them and didn't need anything else. However, using to much Fish Fertilizer in the garden over a long period of time isn't good because of the heavy metals found in fish. It wouldn't be a problem in containers, but rather an actual garden patch or raised bed that only gets tilled.


Well-Known Member
got this trying out Super Bloom this year.. each one of us are going to give you different answers based on what we can afford and have used in the past and feel worth while.. I will try out different stuff last year was the "bud candy" and I saw little dif in growth compared to this cheaper stuff.. but I will also try something new next year and use the super bloom as well..



Well-Known Member
Alaska's Fish Fertilizer and MorBloom are great products. I've used them myself and my plants did great with them and didn't need anything else. However, using to much Fish Fertilizer in the garden over a long period of time isn't good because of the heavy metals found in fish. It wouldn't be a problem in containers, but rather an actual garden patch or raised bed that only gets tilled.
True....But that is why when I till next year I will be mixing in Myco's :p